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Fresh Temptation

Fresh Temptation

Titel: Fresh Temptation
Autoren: Reeni Austin
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email.” Rhonda winced as she handed her phone to Cara. “I’m not sure what it means to you, exactly…”
    Confused, Cara took the phone. “A video?” Then she immediately hit play. It was a short clip with no sound. She saw a woman, who looked like Alexis from behind, speaking to Victor. “What the…she’s almost naked.”
    “I know.”
    “Is this a security video?” Cara gasped when she saw Alexis fall against Victor’s chest. The video ended a few seconds later. “Were they kissing? I can’t tell from this weird angle.”
    Rhonda shrugged. “I don’t know. I’m really sorry. I don’t know why she wanted you to see that.”
    Cara gaped at the video as she hit play for a second time. “This date stamp says today. Oh my God…”
    “Oh sweetie.” Rhonda frowned. “The rumors are true, aren’t they? You and Barboza?”
    Cara put her elbows on her desk, her palms against her forehead. “Oh my God…oh my God…”
    “Oh no. I’m sorry. I hear he’s a heartbreaker. If I were you I’d—”
    “Get out.” Cara put her hands down on her desk, glaring at Rhonda.
    “Please, let me help—”
    “No. Get out. And close the door behind you.”
    Without another word, Rhonda stood and walked out the door. As soon as it closed, Cara clicked her mouse to open a new browser window. “I’m so done with this.”
    * * *
    Patty answered the door just as Victor was about to ring the doorbell for the second time. She heaved forward, sighing in relief as she greeted him. “Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.”
    Victor walked inside as she closed the door behind him. “Is Cara here? I’ve been trying to call her all afternoon. My assistant said she left early and…” He stopped talking when he realized Patty was crying. “Oh no. What happened?”
    He was startled when Isaac ran into the room screaming, “Mommy Mommy Mommy!” as he usually did that time of the day to welcome his mom home for the evening. Isaac stopped at Victor’s feet, his eyes lighting up as he inhaled a slow gasp, excited to see his friend. He reached up and put his hand around Victor’s thumb, ready to pull him into the living room. “Wook what I got—”
    Patty tapped Isaac’s shoulder. “No, sweetie. Not now.”
    Isaac’s face instantly puckered. He produced a high-pitched whine.
    Victor bent down to hoist him up into his arms. “Hey buddy.” He patted his back. “ Mi amigo .”
    Isaac smiled at that. He let his head fall against Victor’s chest for a moment, then leaned back to look in his eyes as he began a story. “Today me and Gwammah…”
    Victor nodded along and tried to interpret as much of Isaac’s chatter as he could, asking occasional questions for clarification. He slowly walked to the living room and sat down, keeping Isaac on his knee. Patty sat beside them. When Isaac finished talking, he hopped out of Victor’s lap and walked a few feet away where he sat on the floor and turned his attention to a television show he had forgotten he was watching.
    Patty teared up again. “See? You’re so good with him.” Her voice got softer in case Isaac could hear. “I don’t know why my daughter’s so stubborn about you.”
    He placed a gentle hand on her arm. “Please tell me what happened.”
    “She swore me to secrecy, of course.” She chuckled sadly and wiped her eyes. “I’m not supposed to tell you she’s on her way to Chicago. Going back to her old job.”
    “What?” Victor’s heart raced with worry. “Without saying goodbye? Or taking…” He nodded toward Isaac.
    “She went for the weekend to find an apartment. Get a few things in place.” She sighed. “And no, apparently she wasn’t going to tell you. She was just not going to show up for work on Monday morning.”
    “I can’t believe she’d do that to me. What happened? What’d I do?” He leaned toward her, his eyes piercing hers. “Tell me exactly where I can find her.”
    * * *
    Cara stepped out of Justine’s car and waved a quick goodbye to her old friend. Then she pulled her sweater tight across her chest to protect herself from the chilly evening wind. As she ran inside through the revolving glass door, she smiled at what a good decision she had made to splurge on herself for once, booking a room at a nice hotel in downtown Chicago instead of in a quieter neighborhood outside the city. The combination of elegant surroundings and wine-induced euphoria made it easier for Cara to forget about New
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