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Donovans 02 - Jade Island

Titel: Donovans 02 - Jade Island
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have been his sons or nephews or cousins or business associates, but Kyle doubted it. Something about them smacked of bodyguards.
    Then Kyle recognized the older man as Han Wu Sengand was certain that the other men were bodyguards. Seng was one of the People’s Republic of China’s foremost political facilitators. Anyone who needed a few million for a good political cause could come to Seng, trade favors, and walk away a richer man. No wire transfers, no paper trail. Cash only. Hence the bodyguards. He never knew when he would meet a hungry politician, so he was always prepared for business.
    Seng strode up and stood very close to Lianne by anyone’s cultural standards. By mainland Chinese standards, it was nearly a physical assault.
    She stepped back as though turning to say something to Kyle, but it was just a polite excuse to put more distance between herself and Seng. He was one of the biggest reasons Lianne wanted Kyle at her side in the next few weeks, until Seng was called back to the mainland.
    Seng wanted her. He was known for getting what he wanted, whether it was jade, political power, or a woman. What worried Lianne was that Wen Zhi Tang was eager to form a liaison with Seng, hoping it would lead to the Tangs being viewed with more favor by the mainland Chinese. While she didn’t care about Tang ambitions, for both personal and professional reasons she didn’t want to anger her grandfather.
    “There you are,” Seng said impatiently. “You were to be with the Tang Consortium exhibit, but no, you are flying like an autumn leaf around the building. Have you heard anything more about the contents of the Jade Emperor’s Tomb? I was told there was a particularly spectacular piece of fellatio, a possible cunnilingus, a phallus for the instruction of young concubines, a—”
    Lianne put a business smile on her face and calmly interrupted one of the PRC’s most powerful capitalists. “Forgive me,” she said in rapid Mandarin, “but I must introduce my companion, who speaks only English. It will be necessary for me to translate.”
    While Lianne made introductions in two languages, Seng looked at Kyle with shrewd black eyes. Though Sengshook hands with appropriate vigor, he didn’t bother to hide his lack of interest in Kyle’s existence.
    Then the name Donovan sank in.
    “Donovan International?” Seng asked in heavily accented English.
    Kyle nodded.
    Seng’s smile warmed. He began speaking in rapid Mandarin. Lianne translated, working only a few words behind him. Kyle focused on the English and looked at Seng. Seng focused on the Mandarin and looked at Kyle. Both men were accustomed to business meetings that were conducted in several languages. The trick was to get a good translator, one who was not only accurate but fast and seamless.
    Lianne was very good.
    Kyle listened to the usual compliments, returned as good as he got, and wondered what Seng wanted from Donovan International.
    “Your father is a difficult man to meet,” Seng said finally.
    “The Donovan is noted for being difficult,” Kyle agreed.
    “That makes doing business very difficult.”
    “Not really,” Kyle said, smiling. “His assistants are easy to reach.”
    “It is better to deal with Mr. Donovan himself.”
    “I’ve said the same thing to The Donovan many times. He doesn’t listen to me. But then, I’m only Number Four Son. The Number One Son is Archer. Have you met him?”
    “I have not had the opportunity.”
    Kyle glanced around. Archer was nowhere in sight. Kyle shrugged. “Maybe next time.” He looked directly at Lianne. “If you want, I’ll take a hike and—”
    One of Lianne’s hands wrapped around Kyle’s wrist. Her speed surprised him as much as the clenched intensity of her grip.
    “It would be an unforgivable breach of etiquette not tomake the rounds of all the exhibits,” Lianne said quickly. “We promised, remember?”
    The plea in her eyes was as naked as the pressure of her fingers on his skin.
    “You’re right, of course,” Kyle murmured, putting a hand over hers. Then he asked softly, “Is he the reason you wanted a stuffed elephant?”
    Lianne gave an odd crack of laughter and answered with half the truth. “Yes.”
    The other half was the man she thought had followed her from her mother’s condo. The man she might have glimpsed through openings in the crowd when she looked away from a display unexpectedly. Medium height. Black tuxedo. Common Caucasian complexion and color. So
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