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Alice Munro - Writing Her Lives

Alice Munro - Writing Her Lives

Titel: Alice Munro - Writing Her Lives
Autoren: Robert Thacker
Vom Netzwerk:
“Everything is Funny.”
BC BookWorld
. Autumn 2009: 23.
    Long, Karen R. Rev. of
Too Much Happiness. Cleveland Plain Dealer
. December 6, 2009.
    Marchand, Philip. “She’ll Curl Your Hair.”
National Post
. August 29, 2009: WP 10.
    Oates, Joyce Carol. “ ‘Who Do You Think You Are?’ ”
New York Review of Books
. December 3, 2009: 42–44.
    Tayler, Christoper. “The Emotional Housekeeping of the World.”
The Guardian Review
. August 15, 2009.
    Thacker, Robert. “No Problem Here.”
Literary Review of Canada
. September 2009: 19.

ROBERT THACKER wrote his M.A. thesis on Alice Munro at the University of Waterloo in 1976 and has been writing about her stories, and Munro herself, ever since. He earned a Ph.D. at the University of Manitoba and is now Charles A. Dana Professor of Canadian Studies and English and Associate Dean at St. Lawrence University. He has been editor of
The American Review of Canadian Studies
and, as a result of his thirty-five years following Munro, he is now recognized as the leading academic authority on her fiction and career.
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