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Whispers at Moonrise

Whispers at Moonrise

Titel: Whispers at Moonrise
Autoren: C. C. Hunter
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wind, a familiar whisk, flashed past, then stopped.
    Della’s arms embraced her. “Promise me you’ll get your wolf ass back here soon. Promise me, damn it!”
    Tears filled Kylie’s eyes and she held on to Della extra tight, the way only really good friends do. “I promise,” Kylie said. “I promise.”
    It was a promise Kylie intended to keep, too. Della, obviously another believer in short and sweet, flashed away. Kylie looked back one more time. She saw a crying Miranda with Perry running up from the path into the main clearing; she stopped and just waved. Kylie knew that Miranda had helped convince Della to come. Dear God, she was going to miss her roommates.
    Then Kylie’s gaze shifted to the office porch. Holiday stood there. But not alone. Burnett stood by her side. Even from this distance, she saw his disapproval, but she also saw how his arm tenderly circled Holiday’s waist. A warmth filled Kylie’s chest; she’d played a small part in helping that happen. And somehow she sensed that had been part of her destiny.
    Suddenly she saw Derek standing to the side of the office. He met her gaze and smiled.
    If she wasn’t hurting so much, she would have smiled back. Right before she went to turn away, she felt another presence. Felt it, didn’t see. Somewhere behind the first line of trees, a certain blue-eyed were watched. He was hurting, but so was she.
    She turned toward the gate. Hayden had come closer. “You ready?” he asked.
    No, her heart said, but her head said yes. She didn’t know what awaited her at her grandfather’s, but nothing, nothing would take the place of Shadow Falls.
    “It’s hard to say good-bye,” Hayden said.
    “I’ll be back,” Kylie said. “I swear I will.”
    And she wanted to believe that more than anything, too.

    Love will be won, powers will be revealed, and one final choice will be made …
    Don’t miss the explosive final installment of C. C. Hunter’s New York Times bestselling Shadow Falls series
    Chosen at Nightfall
    Coming from St. Martin’s Griffin in Spring 2013

    Born at Midnight
    Awake at Dawn
    Taken at Dusk

    About the Author

    C. C. Hunter lives in Spring, Texas, where she’s at work on her next Shadow Falls novel. To learn more, visit her on the Web at www.cchunterbooks.com .

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
    WHISPERS AT MOONRISE. Copyright © 2012 by Christie Craig. All rights reserved. For information, address St. Martin’s Press, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010.
    ISBN 978-1-250-01191-6 (trade paperback)
    ISBN 9781250011923 (e-book)
    First Edition: October 2012
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