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Twilight: Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 3

Twilight: Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 3

Titel: Twilight: Bay City Paranormal Investigations, Book 3
Autoren: Ally Blue
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beg. “I’ve wanted to for a while now. Sorry it took me so long to work up the courage to ask.”
Sam gave Bo’s braid a gentle tug, forcing his head up so Sam could look him in the eye. “Never be afraid to ask me for what you need, Bo. I’ll do anything you want. Just don’t ever make me hurt you. That’s the one thing I won’t do.”
Eyes shining, Bo smiled and kissed the end of Sam’s nose. “Don’t worry. I’m not into pain.”
“Neither am I.” Sam slid his hand down to the end of Bo’s braid, pulled off the rubber band and started unwinding the long black hair. “Why don’t you get us undressed?”
“You’re usually the one doing that.” Bo sat up on his knees and skinned out of his long-sleeved T-shirt. “Not that I’m complaining, but why the change?”
In answer, Sam held up his bandaged hand. “You can finish undressing yourself before you do me, if you want. I don’t mind.”
Bo laughed. “I bet you don’t.”
Climbing off of Sam, Bo stood beside the bed and shed his sneakers and jeans. He slinked out of his underwear in a slow striptease which made Sam’s crotch ache. Lifting his foot, Bo kicked the red briefs across the room before pouncing on Sam again.
“So,” Sam panted, lifting his chin so Bo could nibble his throat. “Your leg’s feeling okay today, looks like.”
“Yes, fine.” Bo’s tongue explored the hollow in Sam’s neck, tearing a heartfelt groan from him. “Can we discuss that later, maybe?”
“Uh-huh.” Sam moaned when Bo’s hand crept underneath his sweater to pinch his nipple. “God, Bo…”
“Mmm.” With one last sharp nip to the angle of Sam’s jaw, Bo rolled off him. “Sit up so I can get your sweater off.”
Sam pushed up with his good hand and raised both arms over his head. Bo lifted the sweater with deliberate slowness, fingertips brushing Sam’s skin in a light, ticklish caress. Sam thought he’d go crazy before Bo finally tossed the garment aside.
“Tease,” Sam accused as Bo nudged him onto his back. “You want me to go off before I get inside you?”
“God, no.” Bo twisted around to take off Sam’s shoes. “Come on, I know you have more control than that.” Turning to face Sam with a wicked grin, he flipped open the button on Sam’s jeans and dragged the zipper down.
“Sure, usually.” Sam lifted his hips so Bo could slide his jeans off. “But just the idea of getting my cock inside your ass has me so excited I feel like a virgin again.”
Bo’s expression turned serious. “I am a virgin, when it comes to this.”
The mingled nervousness and excitement in Bo’s eyes tugged at Sam’s heart. He ran his fingers through Bo’s hair, fanning it into a shining ebony curtain. “I love that I’m your first.”
“My first, and my only.” Leaning down, Bo brushed a soft kiss across Sam’s mouth. “How do we do this, Sam? You can’t put your weight on your hand, that wound might open up again.”
Sam pushed himself to a sitting position, wrapping an arm around Bo to keep him close. Bo ended up straddling Sam’s lap, arms wound around his neck.
“You should probably be on your hands and knees,” Sam said, running his bandaged hand down Bo’s back. “That’s usually the most comfortable position for your first time.”
Bo’s cheeks pinked, his lips parting as Sam’s finger dipped into the cleft of his ass. “Lube’s in the bedside table.”
“I’ll get it.” Sam rubbed his fingertip in light circles over Bo’s hole, causing the muscles there to jump and twitch. “You lie down and spread your legs for me, so I can get you ready.”
A hungry whimper escaped Bo’s throat. Clamping a hand onto the back of Sam’s head, Bo brought their mouths together in a quick, fiery kiss. His legs trembled as he climbed off Sam’s lap and sprawled on his back.
It wasn’t easy to open the drawer and take out the lube without looking, but Sam managed. He couldn’t tear his gaze from Bo lying there with his thighs opened wide and his cock hard and flushed against his belly. Knowing Bo was ready to take this step, that he truly wanted it, made him more beautiful than ever in Sam’s eyes.
Setting the lube on the mattress, Sam knelt between Bo’s legs, leaned forward and planted a kiss in the middle of his chest. “Are you ready?”
“Yes.” Bo touched Sam’s cheek. “Kiss me.”
Sam gladly obeyed. He stretched out on top of Bo, holding himself up on his elbows. As he leaned down and captured Bo’s mouth with his,
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