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The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove

The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove

Titel: The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove
Autoren: Christopher Moore
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struggled and even hit Skinner, but hadn't said bad-dog, bad-dog, so Skinner just growled and tightened his jaws until he tasted blood and the man was still.
    Skinner was still waiting for the Challenger to submit when the Tall Guy opened the car door.
    "Good dog, Skinner. Good dog," Theo said.
    "Get this fucking animal off me," the Challenger said.
    Skinner wagged his tail and tightened his jaws until the Challenger made a gurgling sound. The Tall Guy scratched his ears and put some metal on the Challenger's paws.
    "Let go now, Skinner," the Tall Guy said. "I've got him."
    Skinner let go and licked Theo's face before the constable dragged the sheriff out onto the ground and stood on the back of his neck with one foot.
    The Tall Guy tasted like lizard spit. That was strange. Skinner considered it a moment then his doggie attention span ran out and he bounded out of the car to go see what the Food Guy was doing in the back of the truck. The Tall Guy's female was breaking out the back window of the truck with a metal stick.
    Skinner barked at her, trying to tell her not to hurt the Food Guy.
    Good Guys "Is the creature still there?" Gabe asked Molly as he climbed out of the back of the Suburban. Skinner was frisking and jumping on him, and with the handcuffs he couldn't ward off the damp affection."Down, boy.Down."
    "No, he's gone," Molly said as she helped Val and Howard out of the Suburban. She nodded to Val.
    "Hi, Doc. I think I've had an episode or something. You'll have to debrief me in session or something."
    Valerie Riordan nodded. "I'll check my calendar."
    Theo came around the back of the Mercedes. "You guys okay?"
    "You have your key?" Gabe asked, turning his back to Theo to show the handcuffs.
    "We heard shots," Val said. "Did…"
    "One of the SWAT team is dead.Burton shot him. A few of your patients are scraped and bruised, but they'll be okay. Winston Krauss was eaten."
    "Eaten?" The color ran out of Val's face.
    "Long story, Val," Theo said. "Mavis set it all up after you guys left. Catfish and Estelle came in and drew the monster out. Winston was sort of the bait."
    "Oh my god!"Val said. "She said something about my not being in trouble."
    Theo held his finger to his lips to shush her,then nodded to where Sheriff Burton lay on the ground. "It never happened, Val.None of it. I don't know a thing." He spun her around and unlocked her handcuffs.
    Then did the same for Gabe and Howard.
    The gaunt restaurateur seemed more morose than usual. "I had really hoped to lay eyes on the creature."
    "Me too," said Gabe, putting his arm around Valerie.
    "Sorry," Theo said. To Val he said, "The reporters from those helicopters are going to be here in a few minutes,If I were you, I'd get out of here." He handedher the keys to the Mercedes. "The district attorney is sending a deputy to pick upBurton, so I'm going to stay here. Will you give Molly a ride back into town?"
    "Of course," Val said. "What are you going to tell the reporters?"
    "I don't know," Theo said. "Deny everything, I guess. It depends on what they ask and what they got on tape. Having lived most my life in denial, I may be perfectly suited for dealing with them."
    "I'm sorry I was – I'm sorry I doubted your abilities, Theo."
    "So didI, Val. I'll call you guys and let you know what's going on."
    Gabe called Skinner and they loaded into the Mercedes, leaving Theo and Molly facing each other.
    Theo looked at his shoes. "I guess I'll be seeing you."
    She stretched up and kissed him on the cheek. Then without a word she crawled into the back of the Mercedes with Howard and Skinner and closed the door.
    Theo watched them back away, thenturn and head across the pasture and out of the cattle gate.
    "You're going down with me, Crowe!"Burton screamed from the ground.
    Theo spotted something shiny lying in the grass near the back of the Suburban and went over to it. It was Molly's broadsword. He felt a smile breaking out as he picked it up and went over to whereBurton was lying.
    "You have the right to remain silent," Theo said. "I suggest you exercise that right.Immediately." Theo plunged the sword into the ground half an inch fromBurton 's face and watched the sheriff's eyes go wide. thirty-three Winter Winter in Pine Cove is a pause, a timeout, an extended coffee break. A slowness comes over the town and people stop their cars in the street to talk with a passing neighbor without worrying about a
    tourist honking his horn so he can get on with his relaxing
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