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The crimson witch

The crimson witch

Titel: The crimson witch
Autoren: Dean Koontz
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thinking the strange word might be a charm to undo her magics.
        “That was a deity of my world,” he snapped. “Now let me down!”
        “Like for like!” She forced a laugh.
        “Like hell! You enjoyed what I did to you back there.”
        The light she had created dimmed as if in a blush. “I did not!”
        “You cooperated.”
        “You might have-killed me.”
        “And why do you wear the kind of clothes you wear?” he asked, tumbling.
        The dragon turned its head from one to the other as if watching a tennis match.
        “What is that supposed to mean?”
        “That dress.”
        He tumbled, fell, bobbled in the wind, circling twenty, now twenty-five feet over her head.
        “What about this dress?” she called.
        “You must wear it just to tease the local Common boys.”
        “Why, you-”
        She stamped her foot.
        “Vee necks show off your figure well, my dear, but they aren't modest, and there is absolutely no sense in trying to pretend they are.”
        She put her hands to the neckline of her robe, drawing the halves together over her ripe breasts. She stamped her foot again.
        “And those slits up the side-” he continued.
        She pulled her shapely leg back into the concealing folds of the robe and dropped her hands to hold the slits shut. But the vee neck opened again, revealing the soft halves of her moonlike breasts, smooth and lovely in the artificial psi-light.
        “You wanted me to do what I did,” he said again.
        She grabbed the wind with her mind, reached her arms out to it. She stirred it into greater fury. She spat into the wind, and the wind carried her spittle and splattered it over Jake's cheek. He cursed her. She made the winds shriek and howl. She made the winds lift him and carry him close to the edge of the ravine. Stacking and shuffling the layers like cards, she pushed him beyond the brink, left him dangling over nothingness…
        “Now,” she said, “I will diminish the winds.”
        But at that moment, the dragon moved out of its obscurity and cranned its neck over the edge of the gorge, swung it directly in front of Jake. Jake grabbed hold of that thick, long trunk and held on as the wind was cut from under him. The dragon swung its head around, bringing him back onto solid ground once more.
        She reached quickly into the air and began stacking layers of it over her head in hopes of creating a second wind that would carry her prey away far more speedily, long before the cunning dragon could think to rescue him.
        But he was running for her.
        She backed away, stacking the wind.
        But he was coming too fast…
        She would have to leave and come back later to mount her second offensive.
        She lifted into the air.
        He clutched at her bare feet! Held her! Pulled her down,..
        She struggled, lacking and hitting and clawing since her magics were no good against him. But he held on, taking her punishment and slowly exerting more and more force to tame her. He was such a powerful man, his arms like cords of wood, his muscles like knotted lengths of steel. He pulled her onto the ground with him, dragging her across his lap. Lifting her robes to bare her smooth, lovely rump, he began spanking her.
        “Stop it!” she shouted
        He spanked her again.
        She caused lightning to strike the peak of his burly head, but her powers were useless against him. The bolt dissipated into brilliant sparks and did not harm him.
        He slapped her harder, stinging her with his heavy palm.
        She caused a shower of sharp-toothed rodents to descend upon him, but the rodents fled and did not attempt to gnaw his flesh.
        She brought heavy rains, but he did not get wet.
        She brought hail.
        He was not bruised.
        He spanked her harder, harder still.
        She began to cry.
        “Who gave you your immunity?” she howled.
        “The Sorceress Kell, a stronger Talented than you.” He grinned, slapping her behind again.
        She caused boulders to drop upon his head.
        The boulders turned to dust and blew away.
        “That old bitch!” she moaned of Kell.
        “She is a good woman, a good sorceress,” he corrected her, slapping her reddened flesh even harder. “She is wise and all-knowing, not just a temperamental, Talented little snot!”
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