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The Accidental Florist

The Accidental Florist

Titel: The Accidental Florist
Autoren: Jill Churchill
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We’ll get together and go over some other matters on Thursday morning.“
    Jane was doing as she’d been told, holding her purse in front of her passing the strap over one shoulder and under and in front of the other arm.
    “That was good advice,“ she said as she hauled herself up into Shelley’s minivan. “Did you see that young girl’s arm when she looked at her wristwatch?“
    “I didn’t notice she did that. Why do you ask?“ Shelley said, shoving the car into drive and shooting out of the parking lot at a furious rate. Jane, as always, had her foot firmly on the nonexistent brake pedal on the passenger side.
    “Because the girl had a terrible bruise on her arm.“
    “That’s a bit alarming. But maybe she was careless and got it herself,“ Shelley said, taking a sharp right turn that felt as if she’d done it on only the right wheels.
    “Maybe. Or maybe not,“ Jane said.

Chapter Four

    The next day, Jane called Shelley to borrow Shelley’s son, John. “Sure. What for?“
    “I need to get all the stuff in the other half of my garage either thrown away or put into a shed at the side of the house. I want John and Todd to go with me to Home Depot and Sears to pick one out.“
    “May I come along?“ Shelley asked. “I fancy I’d be good at picking out a shed that looked nice.“
    “Sure. The more the merrier. I want whoever will put it together for free.“
    When they were ready to go, and told the boys about the project, both of them said, “Putting a shed together is easy. We can do it for you. Also pick up another trash bin to throw out the junk.“
    It was, naturally, Shelley who took a measurement of how much width could fit between the fence and the house. “And you need two big doors that open out,“ she said as they took off at warp speed in her minivan.
    Todd and John didn’t seem to mind riding with Shelley at the wheel. Jane thought it was because they were too young to contemplate imminent death in a fire-engulfed vehicle. Or simply because they had male genes.
    They found a perfect steel shed that met the requirements and could be delivered and stacked in the driveway the next day. In the meantime, Jane went out to buy a new trash bin and started filling it. It would probably take two weeks to get everything disposable in the garage into it.
    Jane then turned her attention to making an office for Mel. She hadn’t consulted him yet. But she called her honorary uncle Jim. He’d had a room tacked onto the back of his house three years earlier. He was close to retirement and wanted to set up a woodworking room with lots of windows for good light.
    “Don’t mention this to Mel yet. I want to tell him about it and figure out how much room he needs.“
    Jim said, “You’ll need an architect to draw up tentative plans, and get the township’s permission. I can help you with that. I’ve been through it, and know the ropes and the right people to hire.“
    “Uncle Jim, you really are a treasure.“
    “I’m looking forward to the wedding. I haven’t seen Cecily and Michael for two years.“ Uncle Jim had been a long-term Chicago cop. Before that he served as a bodyguard for five years when Jane’s parents traveled to different countries. They’d always been close to him.
    “We scheduled the wedding around their timetable.“
    Jane had already called her son, Mike, to tell him she was getting married. His response was merely, “It’s about time, Mom. You’re not getting any younger.“
    Katie was slightly less enthusiastic, but pretended prettily that she was pleased.
    Todd had taken the news easily, “Cool, Mom. Somebody else to take out the trash every week.“
    Thelma took it very badly. “At your age, you’re getting married? What’s the point in doing something so foolish?“
    “That’s my business, Thelma. It’s not your concern.“
    Jane went on to explain that the real wedding was going to be in a judge’s chamber with just her family and Mel’s. “You’re welcome to attend if you wish. Mike and Katie and Todd will all be there, as well as my friend Shelley and Uncle Jim.“
    “I’ll have to think about it. Issue me an invitation and directions,“ Thelma snapped and hung up.
    Jane let out a long sigh. Why had she ever even considered inviting Thelma? She should have known she’d be nasty. Just not quite as nasty as she had been.
    She’d send the invitation and just hope the old tartar wouldn’t show up and be rude to Jane and everyone else.
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