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Tales of the Lorekeepers 01 - Rise of the Red Dragon

Tales of the Lorekeepers 01 - Rise of the Red Dragon

Titel: Tales of the Lorekeepers 01 - Rise of the Red Dragon
Autoren: Martin Rouillard
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The final rune looked like a W, with two tiny lines extending on each side of it.
    “What do you think these are?” he asked Lucian, who looked like he was on the verge of passing out from amazement.
    “I don’t know. Whatever they are, they look old.”
    “Still think I should have gotten the crossbow?”
    “Are you kidding? This is incredible.”
    Both boys stood there and looked at the mysterious object for a few more minutes, hoping for a sign that would unlock its mystery. Instead, a shadow suddenly appeared over the table, staring down at them.
    “What are you two girls doing?”
    Samuel looked up to see three boys, the larger one standing in front of his two followers.
    “It’s none of your business, Danny,” replied Samuel.
    Danny was the school bully. A few scavengers were always following him around, hoping to get their share of the name-calling without putting themselves in immediate danger. Samuel could have easily dealt with any boy his age, but Danny was older than him. He was in their class because he had flunked a year.
    “What did you say to me, mole face?”
    “He said it’s none of your business,” Lucian told him.
    Danny turned toward Lucian, his eyes projecting all his anger toward him.
    “Sammy, better put a leash on your girlfriend or she’ll end up getting hurt.”
    “How about you leave us alone and go bother someone else,” said Samuel, fishing the die out of the glass jar.
    “No, I think I’m just fine with bothering you two girls. What do you have there? Is that some magical weapon from the realm of Loserland?”
    “As a matter of fact—” started Lucian.
    “No,” intervened Samuel. “It’s nothing. Now get lost and leave us alone.”
    Danny looked Samuel directly in the eyes and the younger boy could feel all the hate that the bully had toward him. He did not know why Danny hated him so much. Maybe it was because of the way he would stand up for himself and Lucian. That was the thing with bullies: you know you have to stand tall and defend yourself, but it also fuels their anger toward you. Still, Samuel thought he ought to face people like Danny and stand up to them.
    Unfortunately, it meant that sometimes you had to get your hands dirty. Danny was now slowly walking around the table toward the younger boys. His two disciples moved up a little, though they were careful to stay out of harm’s way.
    “Now you’re going to get it, mole face!” said the first one.
    “Yeah, mole face!” repeated the second.
    Danny’s hands were already fists, his knuckles white, while his mouth was twisted with anger. He stopped a couple feet away from Lucian and stared at him for a few seconds. Samuel had to give Lucian credit—he had barely moved backward and seemed ready to suffer anything the bully would throw at him.
    Fortunately for Samuel and his friend, the bell rang at that exact moment, indicating the end of the class.
    “People, clean up your station before you leave,” yelled Mr. Sanchez over the ruckus. “And remember to bring a ceramic plate for next class!”
    Danny stared at Samuel.
    “I’ll be seeing you soon, mole face.”
    “You know where to find me.”
    As the rest of the class ran out of the room, Danny and his two lackeys followed the crowd, leaving the two boys alone at the table.
    “That was a close one,” said Lucian. “I thought he was going to hit me square in the face for a moment.”
    “So did I,” answered Samuel.
    “One of these days, I wish someone would stand up to him and kick his ass to the moon.”
    Samuel was putting the dice back in his bag, along with his art supplies.
    “I’m sure he would cry to his mommy,” he said.
    “Yeah, I’d love to see that!”

    The final class of the day was algebra. After the bell, Samuel joined Lucian at his locker and they quickly finished packing up their homework. As they walked across the parking lot, two hands suddenly hit Samuel between the shoulders, sending him to his knees. Gravel scratched his palms and he heard his jeans rip.
    Samuel turned around quickly, looking up to see Danny pulling back his right fist and then punching Lucian on the nose. Behind the bully, his followers cackled madly. Samuel let his backpack slide off his right shoulder and stood back up, turning toward Danny.
    The bully had already sent a second blow to Lucian’s stomach and was ready to hit him a third time.
    “Leave him alone, Danny,” said Samuel.
    “I’ll be with you in a minute, butt-worm,”
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