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Seize the Night

Seize the Night

Titel: Seize the Night
Autoren: Dean Koontz
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different about the vessel, but some change evidently had drawn Orson's attention—and concern.
    The waves, however, were too choice to resist. Carpe diem. Carpe noctem. Carpe aestus —seize the surf.
    The night sea rolled in from far Tortuga, from Tahiti, from Bora Bora, from the Marquesas, from a thousand sun-drenched places where I will never walk, where high tropical skies burn a blue that I will never see, but all the light I need is here, with those I love, who shine.

About The Author
    Dean Koontz is the author of a dozen #1 New York Times bestsellers, including Sole Survivor and Intensity. He lives in southern California.

    Correspondence for the author should be addressed to:

    Dean Koontz
    P.O. Box 9529
    Newport Beach, CA. 92658.

    the end.

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