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Romance on the Edge 01 - Hooked

Romance on the Edge 01 - Hooked

Titel: Romance on the Edge 01 - Hooked
Autoren: Tiffinie Helmer
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too much time indoors, riding a desk, and needed some space around him. Nothing but space here. The only building next to the dirt-packed runway was a six-by-eight shack with a broken window and a doorway with no door. Someone with a sense of humor had painted a sign on the shed that read, “South Naknek International Airport.”
    There wasn’t a tree to block the wind or the view. Bright green tundra with the bloom of summer ended in silt cliffs that broke the ocean as she tumbled her destructive way to shore. Industry dotted the coastline in the form of canneries to help process the catch of the “Red Salmon Capital of the World.”
    As an Alaska Wildlife Officer, he’d come to this place under the guise of policing the craziness that the combination of money and cutthroat fishing brought out in people.
    “Yo, Hunt!”
    Garrett turned from surveying the area to see Judd Iverson stepping out of a brown, rusty Jeep. Garrett hadn’t seen Judd in two years, but he looked as though he hadn’t changed much, still had that playful swagger as though he hadn’t a care in the world. Judd had grayed more at the temples, but it looked good on him. Straight dark brows slashed over eyes that noticed the slightest infraction, unless a woman was in the vicinity. It would be fun working with Judd again, as long as Garrett remembered not to be coerced into joining in any poker games.
    “Iverson, you dog. How ya been?” he asked, slapping his hand out for a bone-crushing shake.
    “Same as ever.” Judd focused on the surfboard. “Couldn’t have left the board at home, could you?”
    Garrett’s face split into a grin. “Not a chance. Gotta have something to do on my off time.”
    “Right,” Judd scoffed. “Like we’re going to get any time to breathe once fishing starts. Your memory’s fading, old man.”
    “Last I heard, you had a few years on me. Like five.”
    “Damn, it’s good to have you here.” Judd slapped him on the back. “I was glad to hear you wanted a change of scene. We can use all the help we can get. I take it Homer’s not treating you well?”
    Homer had lost its appeal since his “friend with benefits” had revoked his bedding rights. Garrett shook off the melancholy. He’d had his chance with Mel Bennett and hadn’t taken advantage of it, though she might have been the one woman who wouldn’t have tethered him. He disregarded the thought and focused on Judd.
    “Homer’s fine,” Garrett answered. “I just wanted a little more action.”
    Judd grabbed Garrett’s bag and threw it into the back of the open Jeep. “There’s no shortage of action around here.”
    Just what he was after.

    Garrett boarded the Calypso and stowed his gear below deck. He then met Judd and the other trooper they’d be working with, Skip Ozhuwan, in the cabin above. Skip was an Alaskan Native and had grown up on the Kuskokwim Delta. No one knew the waters of the Bering Sea like the Aleut. He had dark almond-shaped eyes and a round happy face that belied a shrewd cop.
    Garrett took a seat, and stretched his legs out in front of him, crossing his ankles. Judd threw a Coke to him and offered one to Skip, who declined. Judd popped the top of his own and leaned against the bulkhead.
    Skip commandeered the captain’s chair with a clipboard in front of him and began listing where other troopers would be stationed in the Naknek/Kvichak District. It was the job of the Alaska Wildlife Troopers, or AWT, in conjunction with the Alaska State Troopers, to police the fishing and make sure everyone adhered to the fishing and safety regulations.
    “We have the usual hot heads present,” Skip began. “The Harte brothers gave us some trouble last summer. Earl Harte is a little trigger happy and likes to shoot at the drifters. He’s yet to hit anyone, but there’s always a first time.” Skip adjusted his seating. It seemed as though his uniform was getting tight in the trunk.
    “Then there’s the drifter, Chuck Kendrick, captain of the Albatross ,” Skip continued. “Last summer, Aidan Harte cut Kendrick’s net when it wrapped around his buoy. Kendrick threatened to get even.”
    Judd added, “As we know, Kendrick always follows through.”
    Skip nodded. “Yeah, that was a bad situation with the sinking of the Miss Julie. Thankfully, we didn’t lose anyone. That time.”
    “It sure stuck in my craw that we didn’t have enough evidence to pin that on Kendrick.” Judd addressed Garrett. “It’s
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