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Party Crashers

Party Crashers

Titel: Party Crashers
Autoren: Stephanie Bond
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trailed off awkwardly. The next time, she had listened to his voice message but hadn't returned his call. She knew when to make a graceful exit. Of course, that hadn't kept her from lying awake at night thinking about him.
    Beck had been her first experience with full-on love, no doubt because her emotions had been running full-tilt since the day she'd met him. But eventually the bewilderment over the mess that Gary had introduced into her life would dissipate, and so would her intense longing for Beck Underwood.
    "Hey, short-timer."
    Jolie looked up to see Carlotta striding toward her wearing her trademark gapped grin. "Hey yourself."
    "I can't believe you're leaving us to go back to Realtor Barbie."
    Jolie gave her a wry smile. "Well, she did save my life."
    Carlotta rolled her eyes. "Is that all?"
    "And I'm better at selling houses than I am at selling shoes."
    "As long as it's what you truly want."
    A little laugh escaped Jolie's throat. "Who gets what they truly want?"
    Carlotta studied her for a few seconds. "Are you okay?"
    Jolie nodded. "Just a little sad, I suppose, about leaving." About returning to her previous life.
    "If it makes you feel any better, I came to tell you that you've inspired me."
    Jolie frowned. "How?"
    Carlotta's hands fluttered with excitement. "I don't have all the kinks worked out yet, but someday I want to start a business to place products at high-class functions. A designer would come to me with, say, a fabulous coat, then I'd hire a model to wear the coat to important events."
    Jolie grinned. "And to crash parties?"
    A sly smile crawled over Carlotta's face. "Let's just say I would take advantage of any advertising venue that presented itself."
    "I'm sure it will be a raging success," Jolie said, then lowered her voice. "How's the other...situation?"
    Carlotta's smile faded. "Don't worry—my brother and I will work it out." Then she winked. "Call me Monday and we'll have lunch next week, okay?"
    Jolie nodded and waved goodbye, glad to have one good relationship to show for her ordeal. She crossed the showroom floor to clean up a few cardboard fillers and stray boxes. Time to clock out and go home.
    "Excuse me, ma'am."
    "I'm sorry," she said, turning. "My shift...just...ended." Her mouth went dry. Beck, looking much the same as a few days ago, but so good to her eyes that she was embarrassed for herself.
    "Hi," he said.
    She swallowed painfully. "Hi."
    "How are you?"
    "I'm good." Desperate for something to do with her hands, she gestured vaguely toward the showroom. "This is my last day."
    He lifted his eyebrows. "Oh?"
    "I'm going back to work at the Sanders Agency, except this time it will be Sanders and Goodman."
    He grinned. "That's great. I'm happy for you, if that's what you want."
    Why did everyone keep saying that? She nodded cheerfully, pleased that she at least could share that news before she never saw him again, but wishing she could be as enthusiastic about going back to the agency as she rightfully should be. Jolie manufactured a smile, trying to steel herself against the physical sway he still commanded over her. "Are you shoe shopping?" she asked.
    "Actually, yes." He shifted his big body from foot to foot and glanced around at the displays. "I'm going to be needing a couple of pairs of rugged shoes to take back with me."
    Her heart jerked sideways. "You're returning to Costa Rica?"
    He nodded. "Della is doing great, and she always was much more interested in the family business than I was. I'm just not cut out for Atlanta, at least not at this phase in my life."
    She nodded. The not-ready-to-settle-down phase. "Well...congratulations." Talking was the best distraction for her stupid heart. She swept her arm out like a game-show hostess. "Perhaps you'd like to see our Gortex boots?"
    "Sure...how about two pair?"
    He captured her hand. "One pair of men's and one pair of women's."
    Jolie startled at the bolt of desire that his mere touch summoned. "I don't understand."
    His Adam's apple bobbed. "Jolie, I was wondering if you might like to...come with me."
    Her eyes widened. "To visit Costa Rica?"
    "No...to live there...with me."
    She blinked. "Live there...with you?"
    He nodded, then entwined their fingers. "Oh, I know it's not a partnership in a brokerage company, but I was thinking of a different kind of partnership: Underwood and Goodman."
    She was struck mute.
    "Jolie," he said softly, "do you remember when you said that people like me don't need
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