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In Death 08 - Conspiracy in Death

In Death 08 - Conspiracy in Death

Titel: In Death 08 - Conspiracy in Death
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stood another moment, then turned on her heel and stalked off. Her muttered "Bitch" came clearly on the cold wind.
    "Golly, Peabody, Bowers just called you a bitch."
    "I really think she meant you, sir."
    "Yeah." Eve's grin was fierce. "You're probably right. So, Trueheart, spill it."
    "Sir?" His already pale face whitened even more at being directly addressed.
    "What do you think? What do you know?"
    "I don't -- "
    When he glanced nervously at Bowers's stiff and retreating back, Eve stepped into his line of vision. Her eyes were cool and commanding. "Forget her. You're dealing with me now. I want your report on the canvass."
    "I..." His Adam's apple bobbed. "No one in the immediate area admits to having witnessed any disturbance in the vicinity or any visitors to the victim's crib during the time in question."
    "It's just that -- I was going to tell Bowers," he continued in a rush, "but she cut me off."
    "Tell me," Eve suggested.
    "It's about the Gimp? He had his crib on this side, just down from Snooks, as long as I've had the beat. It's only a couple of months, but -- "
    "You patrol this area yesterday?" Eve interrupted.
    "Yes, sir."
    "And there was a crib by Snooks's?"
    "Yes, sir, like always. Now he's got it on the other side of the street, way at the end of the alley."
    "Did you question him?"
    "No, sir. He's zoned. We couldn't roust him, and Bowers said it wasn't worth the trouble, anyway, because he's a stone drunk."
    Eve studied him thoughtfully. His color was back, pumped into his cheeks from nerves and the slap of the wind. But he had good eyes, she decided. Clear and sharp. "How long have you been out of the academy, True-heart?"
    "Three months, sir."
    "Then you can be forgiven for not being able to recognize an asshole in uniform." She cocked her head when a flash of humor trembled on his mouth. "But I have a feeling you'll learn. Call for a wagon and have your pal the Gimp taken down to the tank at Central. I want to talk to him when he's sobered up. He knows you?"
    "Yes, sir."
    "Then you stay with him, and bring him up when he's coherent. I want you to stand in on the interview."
    "You want me to -- " Trueheart's eyes went huge and bright. "I'm assigned to Lite -- Bowers is my trainer."
    "Is that how you want it, Officer?"
    He hesitated, blew out a quiet breath. "No, sir, Lieutenant, it's not."
    "Then why aren't you following my orders?" She turned away to harass the crime scene team and left him grinning after her.
    "That was really sweet," Peabody said when they were back in their vehicle with cups of hot, horrible coffee.
    "Don't start, Peabody."
    "Come on, Dallas. You gave the guy a nice break."
    "He gave us a potential witness and it was another way to burn that idiot Bowers's ass." She smiled thinly. "Next chance you get, Peabody, do a run on her. I like to know everything I can about people who want to rip the skin off my face."
    "I'll take care of it when we're back at Central. You want hard copy?"
    "Yeah. Run Trueheart, too, just for form."
    "Wouldn't mind running him." Peabody wiggled her eyebrows. "He's very cute."
    Eve slanted her a look. "You're pathetic, and you're too old for him."
    "I can't have more than a couple, maybe three years on him," Peabody said with a hint of insult. "And some guys prefer a more experienced woman."
    "I thought you were still tight with Charles."
    "We date," Peabody lifted her shoulders, still uncomfortable discussing this particular man with Eve. "But we're not exclusive."
    Tough to be exclusive with a licensed companion, Eve thought but held her tongue. Snapping out her opinion of Peabody developing a relationship with Charles Monroe had come much too close to breaking the bond between them a few weeks before.
    "You're okay with that?" she said instead.
    "That's the way we both want it. We like each other, Dallas. We have a good time together. I wish you -- " She broke off, firmly shut her mouth.
    "I didn't say anything."
    "You're thinking pretty damn loud."
    Eve set her teeth. They were not, she promised herself, going back there. "What I'm thinking," she said evenly, "is about getting some breakfast before we start on the paperwork."
    Deliberately, Peabody rolled the stiffness out of her shoulders. "That works for me. Especially if you're buying."
    "I bought last time."
    "I don't think so, but I can check my records." More cheerful, Peabody pulled out her electronic memo book and made Eve laugh.

    The best that could be said about the
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