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Hortons Bend

Hortons Bend

Titel: Hortons Bend
Autoren: Dave Davis
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but disturbing images that influenced them to leave the area. Perhaps that explains why you have that gap in your expedition chronicles hmmm?” Horton started to continue but paused briefly to watch Brody. Horton had seen this type of behavior in his time but each experience had been different. Some were more satisfying than others. This ranked high on his celestial visits but he could not explain that either. Another thing he had learned from experience. Some subjects were just not ready for the entire truth. This one, Brody, would need just a little information to placate and pacify to justify all that he has been through.
    “Mr. Brody I wanted to ask you a question. What did you think when you saw the plate? Don’t answer. I know that you’re a dedicated student of history. Especially the history of this area and particularly the era my friends inhabited. To answer your question it is a mix of religious symbols taken from Native American religious concepts. But it has been corrupted by the use of some other worldly iconography that was especially designed to repel the European invaders. Psychology is not limited to terrestrial parameters. It can be quite useful in……well once again I stray from the matter at hand. The copper plate’s significance is that it has the ability to disturb those who bear ill will against its owners. I know that when you saw it you were not disturbed by the images but rather perplexed to how it fit into their culture. The use of the animals interacting with the humans was intriguing to you I’m sure. But I can only imagine your face when you noticed the traditional religious motifs alongside the extra terrestrial representations. You are too good of an archaeologist to merely let that slide.” Horton looked to the sky and realized that time was of now a factor. “Let me put it this way Mr. Brody. The copper plate was a ruse to assist our friends. They made the plate from a precious resource and we merely suggested a few emblems that would keep them safe. In its own way it is a monument to a prehistoric moment in time. Or contact moment in time if you prefer. Its importance is in that it helps them remember that their people remained whole that day. I still consider it one of the greatest things I have ever witnessed.”
    Brody started speak but hesitated. He looked at what he once thought was a simple product of generations of agrarian sweat and felt that overwhelming feeling of extreme pride once again. Brody’s expression was a relief to Horton. The weathered farmer knew his choice had been well made. The scientist was learning to learn all over again and this time it would have more than just scientific purpose. It would have an appreciation of all things human and extra-terrestrial. Horton closed his eyes briefly and could feel that this new contact would forever feel connected to not only this place but to all places and times that have ever existed. Paul Brody would never visit the beyond but that was no matter; he was already there and back again due this experience. “Go ahead and speak Paul. I trust your questions now and want you to understand anything that might leave you confused.” Brody’s voice crackled when he spoke. “It must have been…….it really must have been a true privilege and a pleasure…”was all that he could manage. Horton smiled again. Brody ceased to impress him with his handling of the situation. “It was for both parties Paul. And it continues to be but then I think you know that don’t you?”
    Brody’s realization of the things that Horton had spoken of stirred his thoughts towards his wife Lacy. His emotions were mixed in that he wished she were here to witness this but at the same time he began to have a strong desire to return home. While his choice to help Jeanie had brought about a great and wonderful accomplishment, Brody remained unsure what might lie in store for him in the near future. He looked to Horton to ask but was not surprised when he heard the uncanny innate answer already coming from this spiritual leader. “Paul I know you are tired and ready to return to your lovely wife. You and I will see each other very soon to speak again. You have done your part tonight and fulfilled all obligations. I want to thank you for that.” Brody smiled and nodded and searched for Jeanie to leave. Horton anticipated this and called out to Jeanie. “Mrs. King would you please come forward?” he asked. Jeanie collected herself
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