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Closer: Bay City Paranormal Investigation, Book 4

Closer: Bay City Paranormal Investigation, Book 4

Titel: Closer: Bay City Paranormal Investigation, Book 4
Autoren: Ally Blue
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and started dragging him in the direction of the bloodstained steps.
“See you in a few minutes,” Sam called as he was pulled away.
Bo nodded and waved. Before being swallowed by the crowd, Sam saw Adrian shrug off the arm Bo rested across his shoulders. He caught a glimpse of the sorrow in Bo’s eyes and the fury in Adrian’s before they were lost in the sea of people.
Forcing back the sympathetic ache for Bo, Sam turned his attention to the child hauling him with singleminded determination toward the flight of stone steps leading to the ramparts.
When they reached the steps, Sam showed Sean the bloodstains splattered across the gray stone. Sean’s eyes widened with transparent awe as Sam related the story of the headless soldier who haunted this stairway. The boy had heard it all before, of course, but he never seemed to tire of it. He spent several minutes speculating on what the soldier’s head must’ve looked like bouncing down the stairs before snagging Sam’s wrist and pulling him toward the ramparts.
Up on the narrow walkway, Sam and Sean surveyed the glittering ocean beyond the fort’s walls and the teeming courtyard far below. Sean kept up his usual nonstop stream-of-consciousness chatter. Sam listened with a smile, Sean’s small hand clutched tightly in his. The boy could be exhausting, but he was sweet-tempered and outgoing, and made friends everywhere he went. He was an easy child to like.
Unlike his brother.
Sam nipped that thought in the bud. He knew he had to work harder to win over Adrian, but it was a daunting prospect, and he didn’t want to think about it right now. He was enjoying himself, and he wanted to hang on to that fragile feeling.
With a start, Sam realized Sean had fallen silent. He glanced down. The child seemed lost in thought.
“Hey.” He gave Sean’s hand a gentle shake. “Earth to Sean.”
Sean looked up at Sam with an uncharacteristically thoughtful expression. “You know what?”
“I like it that Dad lives with you now. I like you. You’re cool.”
Sam returned the child’s smile and gave his fingers a light squeeze. “I like you too. You’re pretty cool yourself.”
Sean beamed, his round little face aglow, and a feeling Sam couldn’t put a name to twisted sharp and sweet in his chest. He’d never been close to his parents and sister. He didn’t hate them, but he hadn’t really loved them since he was small. The only honest conversation he’d ever had with them had ended with his mother calling him an abomination, his father threatening violence if he ever mentioned his homosexuality again, and his sister refusing to speak to him for a month. His father died the month after Sam came out, without ever speaking to him again. To this day, Sam wasn’t allowed to spend time alone with his niece and nephew. Bo was the first person he’d ever loved completely, and who had loved him back without condition or reservation. Their relationship was his only experience with true intimacy. He had no benchmark for the fierce, protective tenderness suddenly bubbling up inside him.
Sean’s delighted squeal broke into Sam’s thoughts. “Hey, there’s Dad and Adrian!” He jumped up and down, waving his free hand frantically in the air. “Dad! Hey, Dad! Up here!”
Sam laughed as nearly every head in the courtyard swiveled toward Sean. He was a bit small for his age, but he had a powerful set of lungs and wasn’t shy about using them.
After a moment, Sam spotted Bo and Adrian making their way toward the steps. They started up the narrow stone flight side by side. Watching them, Sam marveled for the thousandth time at how alike they were. Adrian had inherited Bo’s intelligence, his reserve, his stubbornness and his temper, along with his straight black hair, deep brown eyes and mocha skin. Sam often wondered if they clashed as often as they did because they were so similar.
Sean let go of Sam’s hand and bounced up to his brother as Bo and Adrian approached. “Hey, Adrian, did you see the bloodstains?”
Adrian gave the younger boy a disdainful look. “I told you, I don’t care about the stupid bloodstains. I bet it’s just paint anyhow.”
Sean’s shock was almost comical. “It’s not paint, it’s blood!” He grabbed Adrian’s wrist. “C’mon, I’ll show you.”
“Be careful,” Bo warned as Sean dragged his protesting sibling toward the stairs.
Sam moved to stand beside Bo. They watched the boys crouch beside the red splotches on the
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