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Chasing Fire

Chasing Fire

Titel: Chasing Fire
Autoren: Nora Roberts
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    “There’s nothing like it.” Libby’s face glowed as she looked skyward. “Nothing else comes close.”
    “You haven’t jumped fire yet.” Rowan sat, then stretched out in the meadow grass. “That’s a whole new world.” She watched the sky, waiting for the plane to come back, then glanced at Gull as he dropped down beside her. “You had a smooth one.”
    “I targeted on you. The sun in your hair,” he added when she frowned at him.
    “Jesus, Gull, you are a romantic. God help you.”
    He’d flustered her, he realized, and gave himself a point on his personal scoreboard. Since he hadn’t swallowed his gum, he tucked the chocolate away for later. “What do you do when you’re not doing this?”
    “For work? I put in some time in my dad’s business, jumping with tourists who want a thrill, teaching people who think they want, or decide they want, to jump as a hobby. Do some personal training.” She flexed her biceps.
    “Bet you’re good at it.”
    “Logging in time as a PT means I get paid to keep fit for this over the winter. What about you?”
    “I get to play for a living. Fun World. It’s like a big arcade—video games, bowling, bumper cars, Skee-Ball.”
    “You work at an arcade?”
    He folded his arms behind his head. “It’s not work if it’s fun.”
    “You don’t strike me as the kind of guy to deal with kids and machines all day.”
    “I like kids. They’re largely fearless and open to possibilities. Adults tend to forget how to be either.” He shrugged. “You spend yours trying to get couch potatoes to break a sweat.”
    “Not all of my clients are couch potatoes. None are when I’m done with them.” She shoved up to sit. “Here comes the next group.”
    With the first practice jump complete, they packed out, carrying their gear back to base. After another stint of physical training, classwork, they were up again for the second jump of the day.
    They practiced letdown in full gear, outlined fire suppression strategies, studied maps, executed countless sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups, ran miles and threw themselves out of planes. At the end of a brutal four weeks, the numbers had whittled down to sixteen. Those still standing ranged outside Operations answering their final roll call as recruits.
    When Libby answered her name, Dobie slapped a twenty into Gull’s hand. “Smoke jumper Barbie. You gotta give it to her. Skinny woman like that toughs it through, and a big hoss like McGinty washes.”
    “We didn’t,” Gull reminded him.
    “Fucking tooting we didn’t.”
    Even as they slapped hands a flood of ice water drenched them.
    “Just washing off some of the rookie stink,” somebody called out. And with hoots and shouts, the men and woman on the roof tossed another wave of water from buckets.
    “You’re now one of us.” From his position out of water range, L.B. shouted over the laughter and curses. “The best there is. Get cleaned up, then pack it in the vans. We’re heading into town, boys and girls. You’ve got one night to celebrate and drink yourself stupid. Tomorrow, you start your day as smoke jumpers—as Zulies.”
    When Gull made a show out of wringing out his wet twenty, Dobie laughed so hard, he had to sit on the ground. “I’ll buy the first round. You’re in there, Libby.”
    He smiled, stuffed the wet bill in his wet pocket. “I owe it all to you.”
    Inside, Gull stripped off his dripping clothes. He took stock of his bruises—not too bad—and for the first time in a week took time to shave. Once he’d hunted up a clean shirt and pants, he spent a few minutes sending a quick e-mail home to let his family know he’d made it.
    He expected that news to generate mixed reactions, though they’d all pretend to be as happy as he was. He slid a celebratory cigar into his breast pocket, then wandered outside.
    The e-mail had cost him some time, so he loaded into the last of the vans and found a seat among the scatter of rookies and vets.
    “Ready to party, rook?” Trigger asked him.
    “I’ve been ready.”
    “Just remember, nobody gets babysat. The vans leave and you’re not in one, you find your own way back to base. If you end up with a woman tonight, the smart thing is to end up with one who has a car.”
    “I’ll keep that in mind.”
    “You dance?”
    “You asking?”
    Trigger hooted out a laugh. “You’re almost pretty enough for me. The place we’re going has a dance floor. You do it
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