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VET Vampire Romance 01 - Covet

VET Vampire Romance 01 - Covet

Titel: VET Vampire Romance 01 - Covet
Autoren: Felicity Heaton
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wouldn’t think to escape.
    The human women sat down on the two red leather couches positioned in the middle of the stage, one on each. Crimson spotlights bathed them, making them look as though blood covered their skin. In perfect synchronisation, the broad bare male vampires crouched before their woman, lifted the opposite leg to each other and started to kiss along it from ankle to knee.
    It wasn’t turning her on.
    Lilah told herself it a thousand times over but the sight of the vampire couple fornicating at the front of the stage and the forced seduction happening behind them had her heart pounding and her nipples hardening against the tight top of her uniform dress.
    “I need to question you about Victor.” Javier’s deep accented voice coming from behind her caused her to drop her broom and turn.
    She panted hard, startled and trying to get her arousal under control so he wouldn’t sense it.
    His dark brown gaze slid to the stage and then back to her.
    Lilah quickly bent to pick up her broom. When she straightened, Javier’s eyes were on her dress, his pupils wide in the low light coming up from below. The moans on stage grew louder and she tried to ignore them and push the images of the couples out of her mind.
    “Why did you hit Victor?” Javier said, more composed than she was. Didn’t the show affect him at all? He had crossed the theatre without pausing to watch and his eyes were fixed on her now. She had heard that he and his partners had been running the theatre for almost a century. He had probably grown immune to whatever was playing out on the stage.
    “Because he was hurting Nia.” It came out blunter than she had intended and she added, “Sir.”
    Javier’s eyebrow rose. “Victor said you had no grounds to strike him.”
    “Then he’s a liar and a bastard.”
    “He’s an elite.” The darkness in his tone was reprimand enough to Lilah. She bowed her head.
    “My apologies.” She couldn’t bring herself to look at Javier so she glanced to one side when she brought her head back up. It was a mistake. The act on stage was getting hotter, with the two humans now kneeling on the couches and swallowing the rigid cocks of their partners as they stood before them. She ripped her gaze away and closed her eyes, figuring it was safer. That way she didn’t risk seeing the anger in Javier’s eyes or the debauchery on stage, and she could keep a clear head. “He was forcing himself on Nia and she told him to stop. When he didn’t, I hit him. I thought he might stop and block me.”
    “He said Nia was cut. He was under the influence of his hunger. That is why he didn’t stop.”
    That made sense. “Nia cut her hand on some glass. A mirror in the main dressing room had broken. We had to clean it up and she cut herself.”
    He muttered a ripe curse in Spanish and stepped towards her. “Were you cut?”
    Lilah opened her eyes, looked up into the dark pools of his, and shook her head. “No.”
    The relief that swamped his eyes surprised her and sent fear into her blood. What if she had been the one to cut herself? Would Victor have tried to touch her and taste her instead? Would Nia have tried to stop him or would she have let him hurt her?
    “You must be more careful around our kind,” Javier said and she nodded slowly, unable to take her eyes off his.
    The moans from the stage grew louder and she blushed when Javier looked towards the performance.
    “Will I be punished?” She tried to shut out the sounds. Javier’s gaze returned to her and he shook his head.
    “Victor overstepped the line.” He frowned and turned quiet for so long that she couldn’t ignore the noises coming from the stage. She glanced across at them. Javier’s voice dropped to a whisper. “Do you like to watch them?”
    Her eyes shot wide and she instantly shook her head. He stepped closer, slid his hand over her jaw in a way that had her shivering and her breath quaking, and carefully turned her face towards the stage. His thumb and fingers remained against her face, holding her gently, warming her down to her bones and causing a flood of arousal to sweep through her.
    He traced his hand down her throat and stepped up behind her. What was he doing? She trembled under his touch, anticipating pain from it but feeling nothing but pleasure.
    “Does it arouse you when you watch them fucking?” he breathed into her ear and she shivered, her eyelids dropping, a ripple of shock running over her skin at hearing him
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