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Unicorns? Get Real!

Unicorns? Get Real!

Titel: Unicorns? Get Real!
Autoren: Kathryn Lasky
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    Native country : Belgravia
    National flower : The lily
    Motto: As strong as it is beautiful: thus goes the swan
    Coat of arms: The coat of arms of the rulers of Belgravia dates back to the early Middle Ages, when it was said that the soul of a great warrior fallen in battle returned in the form of a swan and struck down the enemy leader as he was about to capture the first child of the king and queen. From that day hence, the Belgravian swans have always enjoyed royal protection and are treated as sacred birds.

    Native country: The Empire of Slobodkonia, a confederation of Slobodk states ruled by the Empress Maria Theresa, mother of Gundersnap and fifteen other children
    National flower: The prickly thistled cactus. This flower is known to grow only in the rugged highlands of eastern Slobodkonia. Tempting, with gorgeous bright hues ranging from purple to creamy rose, it is impossible to pick without severe injury from the razor-edged leaves and sharp thorns.
    Motto: Right rides with might
    Coat of arms : The Slobodkonian bull, now extinct. Some believe the bull is reincarnated in the person of the present Empress Maria Theresa, regarded as the most belligerent and aggressive of monarchs because of her fondness for war and invasion.

    Native country : The Isles of Salt Tears in the Realm of Rolm
    National flower : The ice daisy, a hardy flower that grows exclusively on icebergs in the Realm of Rolm
    Motto : Blow, wind, blow: make our salt blood flow
    Coat of arms : A sea serpent entwined with the purple whale of Rolm. Centuries ago, this killer whale consumed countless Rolmian children before it was slain by Bella the Magnificent, the great-great-great-grandmother of Princess Kristen. Previous to that time the coat of arms had merely been a legendary sea serpent of vague origin.

    Native country : Marsh Kingdoms
    National flower : The pink mallow of the marsh
    Motto : In mud we trust
    Coat of arms : The elegant transformations of marsh creatures such as the frog and the dragonfly are celebrated by the people of the Marsh Kingdoms, who for centuries have embraced their country’s swampy and squishy landscape with passion and ingenuity. The frog prince is no mere legend but is based on an inspiring figure of history, a real hero to the citizens of this kingdom. It is said that the first king of the marshes was a certain Gaston de Frogmore who, at one time before his transformation, had indeed been an amphibian of some sort. It was King Frogmore who constructed the first and only stilt palace in the world. The palace still stands on its tall stilt foundations, and its Hall of Reeds is a must-see for every tourist of the region.

    Session Two
    Dear Royal Camper:
    More excitement awaits you at the second session of Camp Princess! In preparation for special second-session activities, these additional items will be required. We suggest ordering them from the special supplement to the Royal Campers’ Equipment Catalogue .
One complete riding habit—no hoop skirts permitted, only princess trou!
Stirrup friendly footwear—no heels, please!
Crown-jeweled riding helmets with detachable wide sun brims. Helmet must bear the majestic safety seal of approval for protection of royal brains.
Sleeping bag—with ten-thousand-thread-count lining. Royal crest or coat of arms must be embroidered on all sleeping bags.
Water-resistant, sea-serpent-skinned rain garments
Princess toiletries carry-all. We recommend the Princess-in-a-bag model that comes in a range of colors and with multiple compartments.
Loom-woven silk mosquito netting (jewel attachments optional)
Quart-sized sterling silver canteen with royal initials engraved
Oil of Saint Arachnis insect repellent



    “Look, Gilly, at the high heels Princess Alicia is wearing. They got diamonds in them, they do!” a groom from the royal stables whispered in her ear.
    “Crispin! What are you doing here?”
    “Well, what about yourself?” he replied. The two servants of Camp Princess were hidden in the shadows of a balcony, while below in the ballroom dozens of princesses danced. It was a kaleidoscope of jeweled shoes, jeweled gowns, and gleaming tiaras. They were practicing for the ball next month at Burning Shield, a camp
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