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Trusted Bond

Trusted Bond

Titel: Trusted Bond
Autoren: Mary Calmes
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    Published by
    Dreamspinner Press
    4760 Preston Road
    Suite 244-149
    Frisco, TX 75034

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the
    author‘s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
    business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Trusted Bond
    Copyright © 2010 by Mary Calmes

    Cover Art by Anne Cain [email protected]
    Cover Design by Mara McKennen

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any
    means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage
    and retrieval system without the written permission of the Publisher, except where permitted by
    law. To request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press, 4760 Preston Road,
    Suite 244-149, Frisco, TX 75034

    ISBN: 978-1-61581-667-5

    Printed in the United States of America
    First Edition
    December, 2010

    eBook edition available
    eBook ISBN: 978-1-61581-668-2

    For Dad.
    Everyone should have one like him.



    The appointed mate of a semel in the event of the

    death of their reah. An aset can only be chosen,

    made, by a reah.

    Companion of a reah

    The soldiers of a semel

    Prince of a tribe, the emissary of the semel

    Balance, harmony, correct action

    Leader of the Shu cats, an elite group of
    werepanthers that serve the Priest of Chae Rophon

    True mate of a semel

    Tribe leader

    Tribe leader of the werepanther capital city

    of Sobek

    Tribe leader blessed with a true-mate, a leader who

    has found his reah

    Mate of a sheseru

    (Flail) Enforcer of the tribe, guardian of the mate

    of the semel

    (Crook) Teacher of the tribe, counselor to the semel

    A yareah who has been cast aside because a semel

    found his true-mate.

    An unmated reah claimed by the semel-aten as

    a concubine.

    The mate of a semel that is chosen, not their


    Trusted Bond


    Chapter 1

    EVERYBODY has a favorite season. Mine is summer. Certainly our love
    affair first began when I was a child and three months of vacation with
    nothing to do but get into trouble was irresistible. But as I grew, I realized
    that during those long hot days of June, July, and August, there were no
    expectations of me. There was always time, when summer was over, to get
    my life in order, prepare for school, the new year, whatever was to come.
    In summer anything was possible.
    Lifting my head, I stopped a minute from crossing the parking lot to
    savor the warm night breeze as it danced over my skin. The town where I
    lived, Incline Village, north of Lake Tahoe, was never too hot and just one
    of the many reasons I loved my home.
    Six months ago, I would have never thought that I would be calling
    any place home ever again, but that was before I met Logan Church. In
    such a short time I had gone from being an outcast to being the mate of a
    semel, or tribe leader, and being part of a tribe again.
    I was born both a werepanther and a reah. Had I also been born a
    woman, then my life would have made sense, but as it was, my road had
    been a rocky one. Reahs only mated with semels, and as semels were only
    ever male, the only mate I could conceivably have would be a man. While
    what I was had always made sense to me, as men, not women, had always
    been what mesmerized me, the tribe I grew up with, as well as my family,
    had quickly decided that I was an abomination. Having been cast out at
    sixteen, it had been me and my best friend Crane alone without a place to
    call home until I had met Logan Church, my mate.
    Now, as a recognized reah, my life was no longer simply me and my
    best friend Crane, but instead about my mate and his family and my new

    Mary Calmes

    tribe. I was still reeling, still overwhelmed, buried under a landslide of
    obligations and protocol and demands on my time. It was daunting and
    had become even more so in the past week. I had no idea how I was even
    going to begin to explain events to my mate.
    I let the scent of wildflowers, the faint trace of the lake, and the
    charcoal burning close by distract me from my thoughts. The smells
    drifted around me as I resumed my walk. Lazy days of summer
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