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The Private Eye

The Private Eye

Titel: The Private Eye
Autoren: Jayne Ann Krentz
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    Josh nearly choked on his cola. He finally managed to swallow the laughter and the soft drink.
    “Maggie, are you by any chance offering me a two-month job as handyman here at the manor?”
    “It wouldn't be much of a job because I can't afford to pay very much. Room and board is all it would amount to, I'm afraid. At least until I get the manor back on its feet financially.”
    “Think of it as sort of a change of pace,” she continued eagerly. “It might do wonders for your burned-out condition if you spent a couple of months doing something entirely different for a while. And you'd have plenty of opportunity to work on your book. Who knows? You might even get to like it out here. Look at me. I love it here.”
    Josh finished the cola and carefully set the can on the floor of the car. He said very softly, “So do I.”
    Maggie stopped munching potato chips. Her eyes widened in the shadows. “You do?”
    “Your offer is tempting, Maggie.”
    “It is?” She watched him anxiously.
    “Yeah. But there's only one way I can accept it.”
    “What's that?” she demanded instantly.
    He turned his head finally to look at her. His stomach was clenched with anticipation. Josh was afraid that he was moving too fast again. But he reminded himself that she had been the one to start this crazy conversation. He also reminded himself that opportunity didn't always knock twice. All his instincts were clamoring for him to make the move; and he had always been inclined to follow his instincts.”
    “The only way I could accept your offer, Maggie, is if you agreed to let our engagement story stand while I'm living at the manor.”
    She looked stunned. “But, Josh—”
    “I'm serious, Maggie. I'm too old to play games-If I stay, I'm going to be spending the nights in your bed. And I won't have the Colonel, Odessa, and Shirley— as well as everyone in Peregrine Point—think we're just having an affair. I've got my pride and so do you. This is a small town. People will talk.”
    “Oh, Josh, I understand.” She threw herself against him, her arms curving tightly around his neck. Her eyes were wide and searching in the shadows. “You want to protect me from the gossip. It's the gallant side of your nature. It's really very sweet of you.”
    Josh grinned slowly. “I've got news for you, Maggie. I am not sweet. I've told you I want to give the engagement a chance. That's my price for staying on around here as your handyman.”
    Maggie was quiet for a long moment. He could tell she was torn between doubt and desire. Josh knew she wanted him but she was still trying to wade in the shadows of their relationship. She was wary of going deeper because she still didn't know him very well. She needed time. He understood that.
    Maggie took a deep breath. “All right. Josh. All right, I'll do it. We'll give our engagement a chance while you're here.”
    Josh felt a wave of relief wash over him. He had two months to work on her now, he thought in triumph. In two months´ time, surely she would get to know him well enough to feel secure about his intentions.
    “You've just hired yourself a new handyman,” Josh said. He lowered his head and began to kiss her slowly, letting her feel the depth of his need.
    Her response was instantaneous. Maggie's desire for him was a heady thing; it set a match to his own passion.
    Josh groaned and twisted slightly in the seat so that he could ease Maggie's slender, supple body between his thighs. She smiled at him in the moonlight and crowded close. Josh could feel the warmth and the softness of her against his hardening body, and the sensation sent shudders of desire through him.
    “Maggie—” Josh froze as he glimpsed a shadowy movement from the comer of his eye.
    Maggie tensed. “What's wrong?”
    “It's Wilcox. He's here. Early, too. Must have decided that as long as you and I were gone, it would be safe. He's figuring that the Colonel and the others will be in bed by now.”
    Maggie sat up quickly, peering into the darkness.
    “Are you sure? I don't see anything.”
    “He didn't drive up to the manor. He walked. Must have parked his car farther down the road. I caught a glimpse of something under his arm. Tools, probably. Damn it to hell.” Josh disentangled himself from Maggie and opened the car door. He had disconnected the interior lights of the vehicle earlier.
    “Josh? Be careful. Please.”
    “I will. You stay put,
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