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The Night Killer

The Night Killer

Titel: The Night Killer
Autoren: Beverly Connor
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Praise for the Novels of Beverly Connor
    “Calls to mind the forensic mysteries of Aaron Elkins and Patricia Cornwell. However, Connor’s sleuth infuses the mix with her own brand of spice as a pert and brainy scholar in the forensic analysis of bones. . . . Chases, murder attempts, and harrowing rescues add to this fast-paced adventure.”
    — Chicago Sun-Times

    “Connor grabs the reader with her first sentence and never lets up until the book’s end. . . . The story satisfies both as a mystery and as an entrée into the fascinating world of bones. . . . Add Connor’s dark humor, and you have a multidimensional mystery that deserves comparison with the best of Patricia Cornwell.”
    — Booklist (starred review)

    “Connor combines smart people, fun people, and dangerous people in a novel hard to put down.”
    — The Dallas Morning News

    “In Connor’s latest multifaceted tale, the plot is serpentine, the solution ingenious, the academic politics vicious . . . chock-full of engrossing anthropological and archaeological detail.”
    — Publishers Weekly

    “Connor’s books are a smart blend of Patricia Cornwell, Aaron Elkins, and Elizabeth Peters, with some good deep-South atmosphere to make it authentic.”
    — Oklahoma Family Magazine

    “Crisp dialogue, interesting characters, fascinating tidbits of bone lore and a murderer that eluded me. When I started reading, I couldn’t stop. What more could you ask for? Enjoy.”
    —Virginia Lanier, author of the Bloodhound series

    “Beverly Connor has taken the dry bones of scientific inquiry and resurrected them into living, breathing characters. I couldn’t put [it] down until I was finished, even though I wanted to savor the story. I predict that Beverly Connor will become a major player in the field of mystery writing.”
    —David Hunter, author of Tempest at the Sunsphere

    “Fans of . . . Patricia Cornwell will definitely want to read Beverly Connor . . . an author on the verge of superstardom.”
    — Midwest Book Review

    “Connor’s breathtaking ability to dish out fascinating forensic details while maintaining a taut aura of suspense is a real gift.”
    — Romantic Times (top pick)


    Dust to Dust
Scattered Graves
Dead Hunt
Dead Past
Dead Secret
Dead Guilty
One Grave Too Many

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    First published by Obsidian, an imprint of New American Library, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
    First Printing, April 2010
    Copyright © Beverly Connor, 2010
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    eISBN : 978-1-101-18657-2
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