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The Narrows

The Narrows

Titel: The Narrows
Autoren: Michael Connelly
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I heard the front door slam with a finality that reverberated right through me. It was that tumbling bullet again.

    I stood on the porch, elbows on the railing, for a long time after Rachel left. My guess was that I would never see her again, whether or not she took a transfer to Los Angeles. I felt a loss. I felt like something good had been taken from me before I really knew how good it could be.
    I tried to put her out of my mind for a little while. Terry McCaleb, too. I looked out at the city and thought it was beautiful. The rain had cleaned the sky out and I could see all the way to the San Gabriels and the snow-covered peaks beyond. The air seemed to be as clean and as pure as the air breathed by the Gabrielenos and the padres so many years before. I saw what they had seen in the place. It was the kind of day you felt you could build a future on.


FB2 document info
    Document ID: fbd-b5f2be-7294-0a48-288d-20ed-1977-57229f
    Document version: 1
    Document creation date: 23.02.2009
    Created using: Fiction Book Designer software
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