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The Mystery of the Ghostly Galeon

The Mystery of the Ghostly Galeon

Titel: The Mystery of the Ghostly Galeon
Autoren: Julie Campbell
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missing money, “should have known that enormous paintings can’t disappear into thin air. I finally figured out that the original portrait of the real Captain Trask must be behind the fake one. And that’s where I found the missing money—in between the two thicknesses of canvas. We’d looked everywhere else.”
    “After that attempted robbery,” Mr. Trask murmured, “I couldn’t think of a better place to keep it. And I did tell you he was guarding the family treasure.”
    Jim frowned. “I still don’t know on which side of the roof the egg fell.”
    “The red side,” Mart said promptly.
    “The blue one,” Brian sang out, grinning. Trixie smiled affectionately at them both. “You’ve forgotten that some questions have very easy answers,” she teased.
    “In the same way that wooden figureheads can’t really cry?” Honey asked mischievously.
    “And wily old pirates can’t really vanish?” Miss Trask added, smiling at her brother.
    “And as far as I know,” Trixie said, giggling, “roosters never lay eggs.”
    Everyone laughed as Mr. Appleton raised his glass of punch. “You know, Trixie,” he said, “I envy you. You lead such an exciting life.”
    The Bob-Whites smiled at Trixie’s flushed face. It was thanks to her, they knew, that they all led exciting lives.
    “In fact,” Honey whispered, “I can hardly wait for our next mysterious adventure.”
    “And neither,” said Trixie happily, “can I!”

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