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The Mystery of the Emeralds

The Mystery of the Emeralds

Titel: The Mystery of the Emeralds
Autoren: Julie Campbell
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president like to call the meeting to order? You were in an awful hurry a little while ago. What slowed you down, Sis?”
    “If you’ll all sit down, I’ll tell you,” Trixie said seriously. She took her place with Jim, the club’s copresident, at the head of the table, the other Bob-Whites gathering quickly around, sensing that something unusual was in the wind.
    Diana, looking pretty, as always, in a soft lavender dress that set off her dark hair and violet eyes, suggested that they skip the regular business of reading the minutes and roll call. “Let’s hear what Trixie has to say,” she urged, and everyone agreed.
    They leaned forward expectantly as Trixie read the letter aloud. When she finished, she related how she had found it in the attic at Crabapple Farm. She was more explicit now about her discovery in the hidden compartment under the roof. “The letter fell out of a tattered pair of trousers I found in the little room. Moms doesn’t know how they got there, and I can’t even guess,” She said, throwing up her hands in exasperation. “Unless—”
    “Unless what, Trixie?” Honey asked breathlessly. “What do you think?”
    “Remember last year when we were studying about the Civil War and slavery and secession and everything?” Trixie asked. “Well, isn’t it possible that Rufus may have stopped at our house on his way to Croton, where Mrs. John Sunderland lived?”
    “By Jove, I think you’ve got something there, Trix,” Brian said. “He could have been hidden up there in the crawl space. Maybe our house was part of the Underground Railroad. Let’s ask Dad about it when he gets home tonight.”
    It was inevitable that, with the letter on everyone’s mind, the Bob-Whites found it difficult to get down to the business of the White Elephant Sale. But, after a good deal of speculation about the mystery of the hidden room, Trixie reminded them that they had to come to some decision about their list of contributions to the sale.
    Before they adjourned, they had compiled quite a list of things to donate. “And why can’t we offer to pick up articles from people who have no way of delivering their stuff?” suggested Mart.
    “Good idea, and we might offer to help sell, too,” Honey added.
    After a vote was taken and everyone agreed to the plan, Trixie asked Di to write to the Heart Association, offering their services. Di was the quietest member of the group, and Trixie liked to give her things to do to make her feel that she was really an important member of the Bob-Whites.
    As the meeting broke up, Trixie told Honey and Di that she would phone them later. “In the meantime, you all might be doing a little quiet research on the Underground Railroad, especially to see if it ever ran through Sleepyside.”
    “You talk as though you thought it was a real railroad,” Mart said jestingly. “Do you think it was kind of like the New York subway system?”
    “Of course not. I’m not quite such a lame-brain, dear brother, even if I’m not as brilliant as you.” Trixie shot the words at him with a toss of her head and the color rising in her cheeks. She adored Mart, but sometimes his teasing got just the result he hoped for—it made her boiling mad!
    Brian broke the mood. “I think we all agree,” he said seriously, “that Trix has uncovered a real mystery-one that’s really going to require everything we’ve got, if we’re going to find the answer to it.” Trixie looked at her older brother gratefully. “Thank you, Brian,” she said softly. “I know it looks hopeless right now, but”-she clenched her fist-“we’ve just got to try!”

The First Step • 3

    BOBBY WAS HELPING Mrs. Belden shell peas on the back porch when his brothers and sister returned. Mart grabbed a handful from the bowl on his mother’s lap as he went past.
    “Go easy, Mart, these are the first of the season, and there aren’t too many big enough to pick yet,” she admonished him.
    “I know,” said Mart, grinning. “That’s why I helped myself. I remember last year I got cheated.”
    “That’ll be the day, when you don’t get enough to eat,” Trixie said. “Is Dad home yet, Moms?”
    “No, but he should be here any minute now. Reddy’s nose is beginning to quiver, and that’s always a sure sign your father’s coming. I do believe that dog knows exactly when he leaves his office,” Mrs. Belden said.
    “He’d make a wonderful hunting dog, but I’m glad we never trained him for
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