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The Messenger

The Messenger

Titel: The Messenger
Autoren: Daniel Silva
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Publishers Since 1838
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    Copyright © 2006 by Daniel Silva
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    ISBN: 1-4295-3186-X
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For Phyllis and Bernard Jacob, for many years of
guidance, love, and support. And as always, for my wife,
Jamie, and my children, Lily and Nicholas.

The Saudis are active at every level of the terror chain, from planners to financiers, from cadre to foot soldier, from ideologist to cheerleader.
    —L AURENT M URAWIEC , RAND Corporation

    Unless the ideological roots of the hatred that led to September 11 are addressed, the war on terrorism will not be won. It will be only a matter of time before the next Osama bin Laden emerges.
    —D ORE G OLD , Hatred’s Kingdom

    We will control the land of the Vatican. We will control Rome and introduce Islam in it.
    —S HEIKH M UHAMMAD BIN ABD AL -R AHMAN AL -A RIFI , Imam of the mosque at the King Fahd Defense Academy


The Door of Death



    I T WAS A LI M ASSOUDI who unwittingly roused Gabriel Allon from his brief and restless retirement: Massoudi, the great Europhile intellectual and freethinker, who, in a moment of blind panic, forgot that the English drive on the left side of the road.
    The backdrop for his demise was a rain-swept October evening in Bloomsbury. The occasion was the final session of the first annual Policy Forum for Peace and Security in Palestine, Iraq, and Beyond. The conference had been launched early that morning amid great hope and fanfare, but by day’s end it had taken on the quality of a traveling production of a mediocre play. Even the demonstrators who came in hope of sharing some of the flickering spotlight seemed to realize they were reading from the same tired script. The American president was burned in effigy at ten. The Israeli prime minister was put to the purifying flame at eleven. At lunchtime, amid a deluge that briefly turned Russell Square into a pond, there had been a folly having something to do with the rights of women in Saudi Arabia. At eight-thirty, as the gavel came down on the final panel, the two dozen stoics who had stayed to the end filed numbly toward the exits. Organizers of the affair detected little appetite for a return engagement next autumn.
    A stagehand stole forward and removed a placard from the rostrum that read: GAZA IS LIBERATED — WHAT NOW ? The first panelist on his feet was Sayyid of the London School of Economics, defender of the suicide bombers, apologist for al-Qaeda. Next was the austere Chamberlain of Cambridge, who spoke of Palestine and the Jews as though they were still
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