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The Last Song

The Last Song

Titel: The Last Song
Autoren: Eva Wiseman
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prepare refreshments for you.”
    The Moor led Don Alfonso and Luis inside and up the stairs.
    Mama ordered Sofia to lay more places at the table. It wasn’t long before Mama was plying Don Alfonso and Luis with food. Papa kept refilling their cups with ale. It loosened the cavalier’s tongue. At Mama’s gentle prodding, he told us about his wife and daughters and described his sprawling estates in the town of Valencia in the Kingdom of Aragon.
    “My family is awaiting my return. I’ll be honest with you, mistress. I dislike travel, but when I heard your husband’s proposition, I told my slaves to saddle our horses and we set out immediately to meet you, Doña Catarina, and your charming daughter,” he said with a courtly smile.
    Luis remained silent, his expression even more sullen.
    “What did Papa suggest to the cavalier?” I whispered to Mama.
    She looked daggers at me and I fell silent.
    Dinner went on for so long that my eyes kept closing. Mama’s elbow in my ribs kept me awake.
    When the meal finally ended, Papa ushered Luis and his father to their chambers. I, too, stood up, ready to withdraw to my own bed. Mama motioned for me to remain in my seat.
    “Wait for your papa. We have to speak to you.”
    “What about?”
    The solemn expression on her face made my heart beat faster, but she would not explain herself until Papa had returned.
    My father clasped my hand when he finally came back downstairs. “I missed you, Isabel,” he said. “You have grown into a lovely young woman.”
    He cleared his throat several times and gave my mother a beseeching look. Finally, she took pity on him.
    “What your papa is trying to tell you is that you are a grown woman now, and it is time that you become betrothed,” she said. “I was promised to your father when I was your age. Your father and I have chosen Luis to be your future husband.”
    I stared at them, at a loss for words. I jumped up from my chair. “What do you mean?” I finally croaked. “You promised to wait until I was fifteen! You said that you would pick a boy I liked.”
    Papa leaned so close that I could smell the ale on his breath. “Sit down, Isabel.” His voice was more serious than I had ever heard it before. “I would be remiss in my duties as your father if I did not provide for your safety and comfort in the future.”
    “But I –”
    He held his palm up in the air. “I know what’s best for you.”
    “You promised to – ”
    “I know what I am doing. Alfonso de Carrera is an Old Christian. His family has followed the Catholic faith for as long as anyone can remember. We live in perilous times. There is no doubt about de Carrera’s lineage. Any member of his family is safe from the Inquisition.”
    “I don’t understand you, Papa. Why do we have to fear the Inquisition? They punish heretics, false Christians. We’re not like that. We go to church. Nobody is more devout than Mama. I never miss confession with Father Juan.”
    Papa looked at me intently and opened his mouth as if to speak but then stopped and shook his head.
    “Tell her, Enrique! Isabel should know the truth.”
    “What do you mean?” I asked her.
    “Tell her,” she repeated.
    “What’s Mama talking about?”
    “Nothing for you to worry about,” my father saidimpatiently. “I am pleased that you are devout, like Don Alfonso and his family. They would expect Luis’s wife to share their faith. Don Alfonso is not only a good Christian. He owns vast, fertile fields and his name is honorable. King Ferdinand consults him regularly on matters of state. However, Don Alfonso’s crops have been poor for the past few years and he is having financial problems. I obtained his agreement to a betrothal between you and Luis only after I offered him your very generous dowry. Luis is Don Alfonso’s only son. He will inherit his father’s estates some day. He will make you an excellent husband. You will be the envy of all who know you.”
    I grasped his arm. “Let me wait, Papa. You promised that you wouldn’t look for a husband for me for another year. That’ll give you time to find somebody I’ll like more than Luis. I don’t want to marry him. He seems arrogant and he has no conversation.” My voice rose higher and higher. “I don’t like the look of him!”
    Papa pried my fingers off his arm, one by one. “You have been indulged, Isabel, and it is my fault. You are my only child and I always gave in to your wishes, but not this time.” His
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