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The House of Seven Mabels

The House of Seven Mabels

Titel: The House of Seven Mabels
Autoren: Jill Churchill
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Evaline claiming it was an accident. “But couldn’t it have been an argument, leading to a brawl, that resulted in Sandra simply falling down the stairs?“ she asked Mel.
    “Not after what she tried to do to Jane. You’re going to have to testify, Jane, if it comes to a trial. Evaline is a loose cannon when she’s crossed.“
    Jane hadn’t been listening carefully. She nearly slapped her head. “I remember what I couldn’t remember! I wasn’t driving myself. That’s where I was going wrong. Evaline was driving.“
    Shelley said, “What on earth are you talking about?“
    “Something has been niggling at the back of my mind for days. When I went with Evaline to see her patent attorney, she asked if we could stop off at the grocery store to pick something up. She came back with a heavy bag all sealed up.“
    “Jane, get to the point,“ Shelley said.
    “I am. As we left the parking lot, I thought I saw Sandra’s car coming in. Evaline said the car was the wrong shade of blue, and I believed her. But I was right. It was Sandra’s car. And I also believe that Evaline knew, too. But she didn’t want to let on. That’s why she went on about how many cars look alike. Just to get me off the subject.
    “I’ll bet Sandra was following us, lurking in the parking lot and rushing into the store to consult with the checkout people about what Evaline had just bought. That must have been how she knew it was rice flour.“
    “We shouldn’t be surprised,“ Shelley said with a laugh. “Remember when the kids were babies and got upset stomachs and we had to give them rice flour pablum? If it’s so good at stopping up babies, it’s sure to be what held up the Great Wall of China.“
    “Too bad we didn’t know what the ingredient was earlier,“ Jane said with a laugh. Turning to Mel, she said, “Just one more domestic detail mothers know and single men don’t.“
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