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The Confessor

The Confessor

Titel: The Confessor
Autoren: Daniel Silva
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    Daniel Silva
    From The Cover:
    Art restorer Gabriel Allon is trying to put his secret service past behind him. But when his friend Benjamin Stern is murdered in Munich, he's called into action once more.
    Police in Germany are certain that Stern, a professor well known for his
    work on the Holocaust, was killed by right-wing extremists. But Allon is far
    from convinced. Not least because all trace of the new book Stern
    was researching has now mysteriously disappeared...
    Meanwhile, in Rome, the new Pope paces around his garden, thinking about
    the perilous plan he's about to set in motion. If successful, he will
    revolutionize the Church. If not. he could very well destroy it...
    In the dramatic weeks to come, the journeys of these two men will intersect.
    Long-buried secrets and unthinkable deeds will come to light and both
    their lives will be changed for ever...
    'The Confessor opens with a startling twist, then gets even better. It will
    resonate with fans of Dan Brown's novels, as long-buried secrets about
    unthinkable deeds are unearthed. The pace is relentless...'
    'A shrewd, timely thriller that opens the heart of the Vatican.'
    Daniel Silva is also the author of the bestselling thrillers The Unlikely Spy, The Mark of the Assassin, The Marching Season, The Kill Artist and The English Assassin. The Washington Post ranks him as 'among the best of the younger American spy novelists' and he is regularly compared to Graham Greene and John Le Carre. He lives in Washington, DC.
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    First published in The United States of America by G.P. Putnam's Sons 2003
    First published in Great Britain in Penguin Books 2004
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    division of Pearson Australia Group Pty Ltd 2004
    Copyright © Daniel Silva, 2003
    All rights reserved
    The moral right of the author has been asserted Printed and bound in Australia by McPherson's Printing Group, Maryborough, Victoria
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    ISBN 0718) 47952 www.penguin.com.au
    For David Bull, il restauratore,
    and as always,
    for my wife Jamie and
    my children Lily and Nicolas
    "Roma locuta est; causa finita est." Rome has spoken; the case is closed.
    THE APARTMENT HOUSE at Adalbertstrasse 68 was one of the few in the fashionable district of Schwabing yet to be overrun by Munich's noisy and growing professional elite. Wedged between two red brick buildings that exuded prewar charm, No. 68 seemed rather like an ugly younger stepsister. Her facade was a cracked beige stucco, her form squat and graceless. As a result her suitors were a tenuous community of students, artists, anarchists, and unrepentant punk rockers, all presided over by an authoritarian caretaker named Frau Ratzinger, who, it was rumored, had been living in the original apartment house at No. 68 when it was leveled by an Allied bomb. Neighborhood activists derided the building as an eyesore in need of gentrification. Defenders said it exemplified the very sort
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