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The Black Box

The Black Box

Titel: The Black Box
Autoren: Michael Connelly
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back and looked around. He had no idea if Drummond and Cosgrove were coming back in a minute or a day, but he felt the need to keep moving. He walked back around the body toward the darker recesses of the barn. He found another set of double doors on the rear wall, but those were locked as well. He turned around and surveyed the interiorbut saw no other doors and no windows. He cursed out loud.
    He tried to calm himself and think. He put himself outside and tried to remember looking at the barn in the wash of the headlights as they had pulled up. It was an A-frame structure, and he remembered that there was a door up in the loft for loading and unloading hay.
    Bosch moved quickly to a wooden ladder built next to one of the main support beams and started climbing. The loft was still crowded with bales of hay that had never been removed after the barn was abandoned. Bosch made his way around them to the small set of double doors. These doors were locked, too, but this time from the inside.
    It was a simple flip-over hasp with a heavy-duty padlock. Bosch knew he could break the lock if he had the right picks but they were in his badge wallet, which was in Drummond’s pocket. A watch buckle wouldn’t work. He found his escape thwarted again.
    He bent forward to study the hasp as best he could in the dim light. He was thinking about trying to kick the doors open, but the wood seemed solid and the hasp assembly was anchored by eight wood screws. Trying to kick it open would have to be only a loud and final resort.
    Before going down to the lower level again, he looked around the loft for anything that might help him escape or defend himself. A tool for prying off the lock hasp, or even a piece of solid wood to use as a club. What he found instead might work better. Behind a row of broken hay bales was a rusted pitchfork.
    Bosch dropped the pitchfork down to the first floor, carefulnot to land it on Banks’s body, and then climbed down. With the pitchfork in hand he made one more search around the barn, looking for a way of escape. Finding none, he returned to the light at the center of the barn’s floor. He checked Banks’s body on the off chance he carried a folding knife or something else he could use.
    He found no weapon, but he did find the keys to his rental car. Drummond had forgotten to retrieve them after killing Banks.
    Bosch moved to the front doors of the barn and pushed one more time, even though he knew they would not part. He was less than fifteen feet away from his car but couldn’t get to it. He knew that in the trunk, beneath the cardboard boxes of equipment that he had transferred, there was another box that he had moved from his work car to the rental. It was the box that held his second gun. The Kimber Ultra Carry .45, loaded with seven bullets in the magazine plus one more jacked into the chamber for good luck.
    “Shit,” he whispered.
    Bosch knew he had no choice but to wait. He had to surprise and overpower two armed men when they returned. He reached over and switched off the light, dropping the barn back into darkness. He now had the pitchfork and the darkness and the element of surprise. He decided that he liked his chances.

    B osch didn’t have to wait long. No more than ten minutes after he turned off the light, he heard the scraping sound of metal on metal as the slide bar outside was moved. This was done slowly, and Bosch thought maybe Drummond was trying to surprise him.
    The door slowly came open. From his angle Bosch could see the outside darkness. He could feel the rush of cooler air enter the barn. And he could just make out the shadow of a single figure entering.
    Bosch braced himself and raised the pitchfork. He was standing near the light switch. This is where one of them would go first. To turn on the light. His plan was to thrust from shoulder level and drive the weapon through the body. Take out the first one, go for his gun. Then it would be down to one on one.
    But the lone figure did not move toward the light switch. He stood stock-still in the door’s opening as if letting his eyes adjust to the dark. He then moved forward three steps into the barn. Bosch wasn’t ready for this. His attack position was on the switch. He was now too far away from his target.
    A light suddenly came on in the barn, but it was not from overhead. The person who had entered was carrying a flashlight. And Bosch now thought it might be a woman.
    She was past Bosch’s position now, and
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