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Swimming to Catalina

Swimming to Catalina

Titel: Swimming to Catalina
Autoren: Stuart Woods
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news and the business pages but had never paid much attentionto them. “Are you proud to be in the movie business, Mr. Regenstein?” he asked.
    Regenstein smiled broadly. “You bet I am!” he said. “Like you, I’m proud of the way I do it!” He shook his head. “Of course, there are at least as many scoundrels in our business as in the legal profession, and there are no boards of ethics or bar associations to even attempt to judge and regulate their conduct.”
    “What do you love most about your position in the industry?”
    Regenstein smiled again. “The power to say yes,” he replied emphatically. “There are hundreds of people in our business who have the power to say no, but only a few who can say yes.” He leaned forward and rested his elbows on his knees. “Of course, like all power, it must be wielded with the greatest possible discretion. Used indiscriminately, such power can destroy the wielder, and more quickly than you might imagine.” Regenstein narrowed his eyes. “Tell me, Mr. Barrington, have you ever done any acting?”
    “Only in front of a jury,” Stone said. “No, I’m wrong. I played a lead once—in my high school drama club’s production ofStalag 17. ”
    “Were you any good?” Regenstein asked.
    “I…well, the cast got a standing ovation, three nights running.”
    “I’ll bet you werevery good,” Regenstein said. “I’m a very good judge of actors, and I think you’re a natural. You’re good looking, you have a resonant voice, and you project a very positive presence.”
    Stone was nonplussed. “Why, thank you, Mr. Regenstein; coming from you, that’s high praise.”
    “Please call me Lou,” he said.
    “Thank you, and I’m Stone.”

    “Stone, if you should ever wish to leave the legal profession, let me know, and I’ll put you into a movie. Not a lead, of course, but a good supporting part. It would give me pleasure to see you do it well, and I know you would. Leads might not ever come—you’re what, in your early forties?”
    “That’s right.”
    “That’s a bit long in the tooth for becoming a star, but you would be in great demand for featured roles.”
    Stone laughed. “I doubt it.”
    “Oh, I’m not just flattering you; you’d be very good. You have only one fault that would work against you.”
    “What’s that?”
    “You’re not insecure enough. Oh, we all have our little chinks in our armor, but actors, the best ones, thrive on insecurity, and you don’t have it at a high enough level to make you malleable. Our business would find youdifficult. ”
    “Well, Lou, if I decide to give up lawyering, you’ll be among the first to know.”
    Regenstein stood up, took off his jacket, and kicked off his shoes. “If you’ll forgive me, I think I’ll get a little sleep,” he said. “You’d be well advised to do the same. It will be very early when we get into L.A.” He stretched out on the sofa and, without another word, closed his eyes and appeared to sleep. The flight attendant appeared and spread a light blanket over him.
    Stone went back to his seat, took off his jacket and shoes, accepted a blanket, which turned out to be cashmere, and pushed his seat as far back as it would go. The cabin lights dimmed, and he looked out the window at the stars and tried not to think of Arrington. He had done too much of that already.

    Stone was gently wakened by the flight attendant, and he brought his seatback forward. He looked at his watch, then out the window; dawn was on its way.
    “Mr. Regenstein asked if you would join him for breakfast,” the young woman said.
    “Of course.”
    “If you’d like to freshen up first, you can go just there,” she said, pointing to a door.
    Stone went into the washroom, which was bigger than any he had ever seen on an airplane. There was even a shower. He chose a toothbrush from a selection and scrubbed his teeth, then combed his hair, slipped on his jacket, and walked down the aisle to where Louis Regenstein was already consuming a large breakfast of scrambled eggs and lox.
    “Good morning,” Regenstein said with some gusto. “Did you sleep well?”
    “I got a few winks,” Stone replied.

    The attendant appeared. “What would you like, Mr. Barrington?”
    “Just orange juice and coffee,” he replied. “I had a late dinner.” Moments later, both beverages were on the table.
    Regenstein glanced at his watch. “We should be on the ground in half an hour,” he said. “Where are you
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