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Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

Titel: Steve Jobs
Autoren: Walter Isaacson
Vom Netzwerk:
Macintosh Design Team,”
, Feb. 1984; Hertzfeld, 29–31, 41, 46, 63, 68; Sculley, 157; Jerry Manock, “Invasion of Texaco Towers,” Folklore.org; Kunkel, 26–30; Jobs, Stanford commencement address; email from Susan Kare; Susan Kare, “World Class Cities,” in Hertzfeld, 165; Laurence Zuckerman, “The Designer Who Made the Mac Smile,”
New York Times
, Aug. 26, 1996; Susan Kare interview, Sept. 8, 2000, Stanford University Library, Special Collections; Levy,
Insanely Great
, 156; Hartmut Esslinger,
A Fine Line
(Jossey-Bass, 2009), 7–9; David Einstein, “Where Success Is by Design,”
San Francisco Chronicle
, Oct. 6, 1995; Sheff.
    Competition: Interview with Steve Jobs. Levy,
Insanely Great
, 125; Sheff; Hertzfeld, 71–73;
Wall Street Journal
advertisement, Aug. 24, 1981.
    End-to-end Control: Interview with Berry Cash. Kahney, 241; Dan Farber, “Steve Jobs, the iPhone and Open Platforms,” ZDNet.com, Jan. 13, 2007; TimWu,
The Master Switch
(Knopf, 2010), 254–276; Mike Murray, “Mac Memo” to Steve Jobs, May 19, 1982 (courtesy of Mike Murray).
    Machines of the Year: Interviews with Daniel Kottke, Steve Jobs, Ray Cave. “The Computer Moves In,”
, Jan. 3, 1983; “The Updated Book of Jobs,”
, Jan. 3, 1983; Moritz, 11; Young, 293; Rose, 9–11; Peter McNulty, “Apple’s Bid to Stay in the Big Time,”
, Feb. 7, 1983; “The Year of the Mouse,”
, Jan. 31, 1983.
    Let’s Be Pirates! Interviews with Ann Bowers, Andy Hertzfeld, Bill Atkinson, Arthur Rock, Mike Markkula, Steve Jobs, Debi Coleman; email from Susan Kare. Hertzfeld, 76, 135–138, 158, 160, 166; Moritz, 21–28; Young, 295–297, 301–303; Susan Kare interview, Sept. 8, 2000, Stanford University Library; Jeff Goodell, “The Rise and Fall of Apple Computer,”
Rolling Stone
, Apr. 4, 1996; Rose, 59–69, 93.
    The Courtship: Interviews with John Sculley, Andy Hertzfeld, Steve Jobs. Rose, 18, 74–75; Sculley, 58–90, 107; Elliot, 90–93; Mike Murray, “Special Mac Sneak” memo to staff, Mar. 3, 1983 (courtesy of Mike Murray); Hertzfeld, 149–150.
    The Honeymoon: Interviews with Steve Jobs, John Sculley, Joanna Hoffman. Sculley, 127–130, 154–155, 168, 179; Hertzfeld, 195.
    Real Artists Ship: Interviews with Andy Hertzfeld, Steve Jobs. Video of Apple sales conference, Oct. 1983; “Personal Computers: And the Winner Is . . . IBM,”
Business Week
, Oct. 3, 1983; Hertzfeld, 208–210; Rose, 147–153; Levy,
Insanely Great
, 178–180; Young, 327–328.
    The “1984” Ad: Interviews with Lee Clow, John Sculley, Mike Markkula, Bill Campbell, Steve Jobs. Steve Hayden interview,
Weekend Edition
, NPR, Feb. 1, 2004; Linzmayer, 109–114; Sculley, 176.
    Publicity Blast: Hertzfeld, 226–227; Michael Rogers, “It’s the Apple of His Eye,”
, Jan. 30, 1984; Levy,
Insanely Great
, 17–27.
    January 24, 1984: Interviews with John Sculley, Steve Jobs, Andy Hertzfeld. Video of Jan. 1984 Apple shareholders meeting; Hertzfeld, 213–223; Sculley, 179–181; William Hawkins, “Jobs’ Revolutionary New Computer,”
Popular Science
, Jan. 1989.
    The Macintosh Partnership: Interviews with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Bruce Horn. Hertzfeld, 52–54; Steve Lohr, “Creating Jobs,”
New York Times
, Jan. 12, 1997;
Triumph of the Nerds
, PBS, part 3; Rusty Weston, “Partners and Adversaries,”
, Mar. 14, 1989; Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, interview with Bill Gates and Steve Jobs,
All Things Digital
, May 31, 2007; Young, 319–320; Carlton, 28; Brent Schlender, “How Steve Jobs Linked Up with IBM,”
, Oct. 9, 1989; Steven Levy, “A Big Brother?”
, Aug. 18, 1997.
    The Battle of the GUI: Interviews with Bill Gates, Steve Jobs. Hertzfeld, 191–193; Michael Schrage, “IBM Compatibility Grows,”
Washington Post
, Nov. 29, 1983;
Triumph of the Nerds
, PBS, part 3.
    Flying High: Interviews with Steve Jobs, Debi Coleman, Bill Atkinson, Andy Hertzfeld, Alain Rossmann, Joanna Hoffman, Jean-Louis Gassée, Nicholas Negroponte, Arthur Rock, John Sculley. Sheff; Hertzfeld, 206–207, 230; Sculley, 197–199; Young, 308–309; George Gendron and Bo Burlingham, “Entrepreneur of the Decade,”
, Apr. 1, 1989.
    Falling: Interviews with Joanna Hoffman, John Sculley, Lee Clow, Debi Coleman, Andrea Cunningham, Steve Jobs. Sculley, 201, 212–215; Levy,
Vom Netzwerk:

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