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Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs

Titel: Steve Jobs
Autoren: Walter Isaacson
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A L A LCORN . Chief engineer at Atari, who designed Pong and hired Jobs.
G IL A MELIO . Became CEO of Apple in 1996, bought NeXT, bringing Jobs back.
B ILL A TKINSON . Early Apple employee, developed graphics for the Macintosh.
C HRISANN B RENNAN . Jobs’s girlfriend at Homestead High, mother of his daughter Lisa.
L ISA B RENNAN -J OBS . Daughter of Jobs and Chrisann Brennan, born in 1978; became a writer in New York City.
N OLAN B USHNELL . Founder of Atari and entrepreneurial role model for Jobs.
B ILL C AMPBELL . Apple marketing chief during Jobs’s first stint at Apple and board member and confidant after Jobs’s return in 1997.
E DWIN C ATMULL . A cofounder of Pixar and later a Disney executive.
K OBUN C HINO . A Soōtoō Zen master in California who became Jobs’s spiritual teacher.
L EE C LOW . Advertising wizard who created Apple’s “1984” ad and worked with Jobs for three decades.
D EBORAH “D EBI ” C OLEMAN . Early Mac team manager who took over Apple manufacturing.
T IM C OOK . Steady, calm, chief operating officer hired by Jobs in 1998; replaced Jobs as Apple CEO in August 2011.
E DDY C UE . Chief of Internet services at Apple, Jobs’s wingman in dealing with content companies.
A NDREA “A NDY ” C UNNINGHAM . Publicist at Regis McKenna’s firm who handled Apple in the early Macintosh years.
M ICHAEL E ISNER . Hard-driving Disney CEO who made the Pixar deal, then clashed with Jobs.
L ARRY E LLISON . CEO of Oracle and personal friend of Jobs.
T ONY F ADELL . Punky engineer brought to Apple in 2001 to develop the iPod.
S COTT F ORSTALL . Chief of Apple’s mobile device software.
R OBERT F RIEDLAND . Reed student, proprietor of an apple farm commune, and spiritual seeker who influenced Jobs, then went on to run a mining company.
J EAN-LOUIS G ASSÉE . Apple’s manager in France, took over the Macintosh division when Jobs was ousted in 1985.
B ILL G ATES . The other computer wunderkind born in 1955.
A NDY H ERTZFELD . Playful, friendly software engineer and Jobs’s pal on the original Mac team.
J OANNA H OFFMAN . Original Mac team member with the spirit to stand up to Jobs.
E LIZABETH H OLMES . Daniel Kottke’s girlfriend at Reed and early Apple employee.
R OD H OLT . Chain-smoking Marxist hired by Jobs in 1976 to be the electrical engineer on the Apple II.
R OBERT I GER . Succeeded Eisner as Disney CEO in 2005.
J ONATHAN “J ONY ” I VE . Chief designer at Apple, became Jobs’s partner and confidant.
A BDULFATTAH “J OHN ” J ANDALI . Syrian-born graduate student in Wisconsin who became biological father of Jobs and Mona Simpson, later a food and beverage manager at the Boomtown casino near Reno.
C LARA H AGOPIAN J OBS . Daughter of Armenian immigrants, married Paul Jobs in 1946; they adopted Steve soon after his birth in 1955.
E RIN J OBS . Middle child of Laurene Powell and Steve Jobs.
E VE J OBS . Youngest child of Laurene and Steve.
P ATTY J OBS . Adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs two years after they adopted Steve.
P AUL R EINHOLD J OBS . Wisconsin-born Coast Guard seaman who, with his wife, Clara, adopted Steve in 1955.
R EED J OBS . Oldest child of Steve Jobs and Laurene Powell.
R ON J OHNSON . Hired by Jobs in 2000 to develop Apple’s stores.
J EFFREY K ATZENBERG . Head of Disney Studios, clashed with Eisner and resigned in 1994 to cofound DreamWorks SKG.
D ANIEL K OTTKE . Jobs’s closest friend at Reed, fellow pilgrim to India, early Apple employee.
J OHN L ASSETER . Cofounder and creative force at Pixar.
D AN’L L EWIN . Marketing exec with Jobs at Apple and then NeXT.
M IKE M ARKKULA . First big Apple investor and chairman, a father figure to Jobs.
R EGIS M CKENNA . Publicity whiz who guided Jobs early on and remained a trusted advisor.
M IKE M URRAY . Early Macintosh marketing director.
P AUL O TELLINI . CEO of Intel who helped switch the Macintosh to Intel chips but did not get the iPhone business.
L AURENE P OWELL . Savvy and good-humored Penn graduate, went to Goldman Sachs and then Stanford Business School, married Steve Jobs in 1991.
G EORGE R ILEY . Jobs’s Memphis-born friend and lawyer.
A RTHUR R OCK . Legendary tech investor, early Apple board member, Jobs’s father figure.
J ONATHAN “R UBY ” R UBINSTEIN . Worked with Jobs at NeXT, became chief hardware engineer at Apple in 1997.
M IKE S COTT . Brought in by Markkula to be Apple’s president in 1977 to try to manage Jobs.
J OHN S CULLEY . Pepsi executive recruited by Jobs in 1983 to be
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