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Titel: Steamed
Autoren: Jessica Conant-Park , Susan Conant
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Bitch. As it turns out, Madeline was far from the generous, giving, supportive ex-wife everyone thought she was. So much for my personality assessment skills. I’d have to read up on pathological lying, among other things. God, wait until I got back to Group Therapy, my classmates would have a field day with me.
    That weekend, as Josh was cooking another phenomenal dinner for me, I asked him what would happen to all the staff from Essence. Cassie and Katrina? Joelle? Garrett and his kitchen staff?
    “See? That’s why you’re in social work school. God, I haven’t even thought about those guys.” Josh shook a hot skillet full of squash, mushrooms, and red peppers. “I’m not sure. They’re all great. Some of them might go back to Magellan, but I definitely know that Garrett’s out of a job. Tim’s blaming him, among other people, for Essence doing so badly. I’m sure I’ll run into some of them again. Boston is not that big a town. Every time I go out to eat I see someone I know working there. Anywhere.” He smiled at me. “They’ll be okay, don’t worry.”
    “And what about you? Do you have any leads on another job yet?” I knew Josh was miserable about losing the best cooking gig he’d ever had. And for having had so much faith in Madeline.
    “No. I’ve got some calls in to friends around town, but there aren’t that many good chef jobs out there. There’s some crappy stuff, you know, working in corporate cafeterias, universities, all that stuff. Those have good benefits, at least.” Oh, no. The thought of Josh’s talent going to waste in a college dining hall made me sick to my stomach. “No, Josh. You are not taking a job like that. There’s got to be something else.”
    “We’ll see,” he said with obvious doubt in his voice. “I’ve got a headhunter to call, too. He might have something.”
    “I’m sure he will. Anyone would be lucky to have you.” I stood behind him and wrapped my arms around his chest. “Oh, hey. I’ve been meaning to ask you. Did you know that Tim and Veronica had a thing together? He told me that before we went into Magellan.”
    “I didn’t know about that one until Maddie called her a blonde whore. But I’m sure Veronica’s downstairs right now with Noah, if you want to go ask her about it. Half those people have slept with the other half, but I had no idea about Tim and Veronica. I always tried to keep out of the gossip since I could never keep up with it anyway.”
    “Are you telling me you weren’t ever part of that gossip?”
    I teased.
    “Of course not. I was all innocent and sweet until you corrupted me.” He pretended to wipe a tear from his eye. “And-, truthfully, I’m feeling a little vulnerable right now.”
    “I intend to take full advantage of that. Right after you finish cooking.” I hugged Josh tighter. “Oh, and what about Ian? I can’t imagine Tim would give him a reference!”
    “Not likely, but he’ll get another job somewhere, no problem.”
    I guess the Ians of the world are everywhere. Perfect chefs, of course, are not. But I got lucky. I found mine.

You don’t have to be a professional chef to make the romantic dinner that Josh served to Chloe. Here are the recipes for all three courses. Notice that many steps in the preparation may be completed well ahead of time. Bon appetit!

    1 head Bibb lettuce
    1 head radicchio
    2 ounces goat cheese, dry enough to crumble
    Remove the stems from the Bibb and radicchio, and wash and dry the leaves very carefully. Layer the leaves, alternating colors, on individual serving plates. Use four or five leaves of each. Drizzle with the tomato vinaigrette and then crumble the goat cheese around the leaves.

    1 red tomato
    1 green tomato
    1 yellow tomato
    1 tbsp. minced garlic
    2 tbsp. red onion, diced
    2 tbsp. fresh oregano or ½ tbsp. dried
    2 tbsp. fresh marjoram or ½ tbsp. dried
    ½ tbsp. honey
    ¼ cup white balsamic vinegar or champagne vinegar
    ½ cup extra virgin olive oil Salt and pepper, to taste
    Cut the tomatoes in half and scoop out and discard the seeds and liquid. Dice up enough tomato to make one cup, and place in a bowl with the garlic, onion, and herbs. (If you are using fresh herbs, remove the leaves from the stems and add whole to the dressing.) Mix in honey, vinegar, and oil, and season to taste with salt and pepper. Let the dressing stand for at least an hour before serving, or make the day before and store in the
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