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Sea Breeze 03 - While It Lasts

Sea Breeze 03 - While It Lasts

Titel: Sea Breeze 03 - While It Lasts
Autoren: Abbi Glines
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    “Ah, that ’s right. I heard about you. DUI . Man , that sucks. ‘S pecially since Wilson is a damn slave driver. My brother and I worked many a summer for him through high school. I swear you’ll never drink and drive again.”
    Guess he wasn’t the o ld man’s kid after all. Nodding, I turned to knock on the door .
    “Wilson ain’t back from the stockyard yet. He’ll be here in ‘bout an hour.”
    The guy held out his hand, “I’m Jeremy Beasle y by the way. I reckon we’ll see enough of each other over the summer seeing as I’m the next - door neighbor. And well, then there is Eva,” h e stopped and his eyes shifted from me to the door. I started to ask him who Eva was when I followed his gaze to find the light at the end of the tunnel standing in the door way .
    Long brown hair that curled loosely was draped over one bare shoulder. The clearest blue eyes I’d ever seen , framed by thick long black eyelashes and red full lips , completed the perfect masterpiece of her face. My gaze slowly traveled south to take in smooth tanned skin that was barely covered by a bikini top and a pair of tiny shorts that hung o n her narrow hips. Then legs. Legs for miles and miles until two small bare feet with red toenails finished the fucking ridiculously p erfect package in front of me. Damn. Maybe I should have come out to the country more often. I didn’t realize they grew girls like this out here.
    “Eva, you aren’t ready yet? I though t we were going to make the six- thirty show,” Jeremy said from behind me. Ah , hell no. Surely not. This goddess was with that guy? I brought my eyes back up to her face to find her blue eye s star ing directly at me. They really were the bluest damn eyes I’d ever seen.
    “Who are you?” T he icy tone to her voice confused me.
“Down, girl. Play nice , Eva. This is the guy your daddy has helping him this summer.” Her eye flashed some thing that looked like disgust. Really? I’d seen that look in a girl’s eyes before but never before I’d used her then tossed her . Interesting.
    “You’re the drunk,” she stated.
    It wasn’t a question. So , I didn’t reply. Instead, I flashed her a smile that I knew affected any female’s panties and took a step toward her. “ I got a lot of names , baby,” I finally responded.
    Her eyebrows arched, straightened her stance and shot me the coldest glare I’d ever witnessed . What was this chick’s deal? “ I’m sure you do. Let me guess STD, Loser, Jackass, and D runk just to name a few,” she clipped , stepping out of the door and slamming it behind her. She swung her gaze to Jeremy who I could have sworn just chuckled.
    “I can’t make the movie, Jer. I need you to ride over to Mr s. Mabel’s with me and help me get her well working again. It needs to be primed.”
    “Aga i n?”
    “Yes, again. She really needs a new one.”
    Eva walked past me , grabbed Jeremy’s arm and pulled him toward the stairs. Apparen t ly, I had been dismissed.
    “Has your d ad called her boys yet? They need to get their asses down here and help their momma,” Jeremy said as they started walking away without a backward glance.
    What the hell? Who just walks off and leaves a g uy standing on their porch without a word? She was one insanely gorgeous but crazy assed bitch.
    “Hey, d o I just go inside?” I called out.
    Eva stopped and spun around. The same disgusted expression was on her face as before. “The house? Uh , no ,” she replied with a shake of her head like I w as crazy. She lifted her hand an d pointed toward the two story red barn t hat was located back behind the house . “Your room is in the back of the barn. It has a bed and a shower.”
    Well , wasn’t that just fucking fantastic… ?


    I hated guys like Cage . Life was a joke to him. There was no doubt in my mind that females of all ages drooled at his feet. He was healthy, alive and throwi ng it all away like it was a game .
    “Pull in the claws , sweetheart. You got your point across. He won’t come sniffing ‘round you again. ” Jeremy reached over and squeeze d my leg gently then turned on the radio.
    “ He’s a jerk,” I said through cle nched teeth .
    Jeremy let out a low laugh and shifted in his seat. I knew he was deciding on how to respond to me. The only other person who had known me as well o r better than , Jeremy was Josh—h is twin brother and my fiancé. We’d all grown up together. Jeremy had always been the odd one out but
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