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Science of Discworld III

Science of Discworld III

Titel: Science of Discworld III
Autoren: Terry Pratchett
Vom Netzwerk:
105, 195
    theory of mind 220
    Thermodynamics, Second Law of 298
    Thompson, Francis 218
    Thorne, Kip 99, 104
    Three Musketeers, The (Dumas) 213, 226–7
    Thuggee worshippers 301
    Thurston, Robert 236–7, 239
    time 61–84
    Deep Time 118, 156–7, 158, 160, 247
    as fourth dimension 72–5, 76
    as illusion 80–3
    paradoxes of 63–8, 83, 98–9, 102, 106–8, 173, 223–4
    and relativity theory 75–9
    and space 62, 66–7, 72–3, 83
    see also spacetime
    time capsules 82–3, 84
    time dilation 78, 96, 98
    time loops 63–4, 215
    Time Machine, The (Wells) 70–2, 103–4, 109, 227
    time travel 62–5, 70–2, 75, 80, 93–109, 210–11, 214–19, 221, 227–9
    quantum theory of 105–7
    using bent light 104–5
    using wormholes 98, 99–100, 103–4, 107–8
    timelike curves 77, 93, 99
    closed (CTCs) 93, 94–5, 97, 99, 104, 105–6, 213
    tortoises, giant 124
    transfinite numbers 178
    Tucker, Wilson 211
    twin paradox 98–9, 102
    Unitarians 128–9
    United States, Bible Belt 11–12, 13, 21, 49
    universals 216
    argument from design 12–13, 16–17, 34–6, 39–40, 47–9, 126–7, 160
    Big Bang theory 183–4, 190, 222
    clockwork 23
    as finite 183–4, 190, 193
    infinity of 169, 183, 190–5
    multiple 56–60
    our ability to understand 325
    quantum explanations 81–2
    ‘ancient’ 320
    red-brick 320, 321
    uranium 38
    Ussher, James 21, 118, 156–7
    vacuum energy 197–200
    variation 156, 160, 265, 268
    Victoria, Queen 28
    Victorian achievements 311–13, 316–21
    viruses 273–4, 278–80
    Voltaire 300, 323
    von Däniken, Erich 16
    Wallace, Alfred Russel 146–9, 150, 211, 248–9, 251, 260, 318–19, 322
    warp drives 102–3
    wasps, parasitic 273–4
    watch analogy 23–5, 34–5, 47, 152, 160
    Watson, Hewett 151
    Watt, James 238–9, 244–7
    Weber, Bruce 46
    Wedgwood, Josiah 90–1, 121, 247
    Weinbaum, Stanley 294–5
    Wells, Herbert George 70–2, 73, 74, 105, 109, 163–4, 227, 319, 322
    Wheeler, John Archibald 96
    white holes 97–8, 99
    catflap effect 100
    magnetic 100–1
    Wigner, Eugene 195
    women in society 317
    working classes 316–17
    world views 299, 324–5
    world-lines 77, 78, 81, 82, 93
    ‘worlds of if’ 212–13, 218
    wormholes 98, 99–100, 103–4, 107–8
    worms 5, 41
    Young, Matt 17
    Yurtsever, Ulvi 99
    Zeno of Elea 66, 67–8, 83, 173
    zircon 36, 37–9
    Zoological Society 126

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Version 1.0
Epub ISBN 9781407022697
This edition published in 2006 by Ebury Press
First published in 2005 by Ebury Press
Copyright © Terry and Lyn Pratchett, Joat Enterprises, Jack Cohen 2005
Line drawings Copyright © Paul and Sandra Kidby 2005
Terry Pratchett, Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen have asserted their right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the authors of this work.
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First published in Great Britain in 2005
Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA
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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.
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