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Reckoners 01 - Steelheart

Reckoners 01 - Steelheart

Titel: Reckoners 01 - Steelheart
Autoren: Brandon Sanderson
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chamber. I could almost make out the voice. It was familiar. Not Megan’s voice, but …
    “… deserved to live through this, even if I didn’t,” the voice said. Gunfire followed, sounding distant. “You know, I think I fell for you that first day. Stupid, huh? Love at first sight. What a cliché.”
    Yes, I knew that voice. It was mine. I stopped at the doorway, feeling like I was in a dream as I listened to my own words. Words spoken as I defended Megan’s dying body. I continued listening as the entire scene played out. Right up until the end. “I don’t know if I love you,” my voice said. “But whatever the emotion is, it’s the strongest one I’ve felt in years. Thank you.”
    The recording stopped. Then it started playing again from the beginning.
    I stepped into the small room. Megan sat on the floor in the corner, staring at the mobile in her hands. She turned down the volume when I entered, but she didn’t stop looking at the screen.
    “I keep a secret video and audio feed,” she whispered. “The camera’s embedded in my skin, above my eye. It starts up if I close my eyes for too long, or if my heart rate goes too high or too low. It sends the data to one of my caches in the city. I started doing that after I died the first few times. It’s always disorienting to reincarnate. It helps if I can watch what happened leading up to my death.”
    “Megan, I …” What could I say?
    “Megan is my real name,” she said. “Isn’t that funny? I felt I could give it to the Reckoners because that person, the person I was, is dead. Megan Tarash. She’s never had any connection to Firefight. She was just another ordinary human.”
    She looked up at me, and in the light of her mobile screen I could see tears in her eyes. “You carried me all that way,” she whispered. “I watched it, when I was first reborn this time. Your actions didn’t make sense to me. I thought you must have needed something from me. Now I see something different in what you did.”
    “We’ve got to go, Megan,” I said, stepping forward. “Prof can explain better than I can. But right now, just come with me.”
    “My mind
,” she whispered. “When I die, I am reborn out of light a day later. Somewhere random, not where my body was, not where I died, but nearby. Different each time. I … I don’t feel like myself, now that that’s happened. Not the self I want to be. It doesn’t make sense. What do you trust, David? What do you trust when your own thoughts and emotions seem to hate you?”
    “Prof can—”
    “Stop,” she said, raising a hand. “Don’t … don’t come closer. Just leave me. I need to think.”
    I stepped forward.
The walls faded, and fires seemed to flame up around us. The floor warped beneath me, making me nauseous. I stumbled.
to come with me, Megan.”
    “Take another step and I’ll shoot myself,” she said, reaching for a gun on the floor beside her. “I’ll do it, David. Death is nothing to me. Not anymore.”
    I backed away, hands up.
    “I need to think about this,” she mumbled again, looking back at her mobile.
    “David.” A voice in my ear. Prof’s voice. “David, we’re leaving
    “Don’t use your powers, Megan,” I said to her. “Please. You
to understand. They’re what change you. Don’t use them for a few days. Hide, and your mind will get clearer.”
    She kept staring at the screen. The recording started over.
    “Megan …”
    She raised the gun toward me without shifting her gaze. The tears dripped down her cheeks.
Prof yelled.
    I turned and ran for the copter. I didn’t know what else to do.

    I’VE seen Steelheart bleed.
    I’ve seen him scream. I’ve seen him burn. I’ve seen him die in an inferno, and I was the one who killed him. Yes, the hand that pushed the detonator was his own, but I don’t care—and have never cared—which hand actually took his life. I made it happen. I’ve got his skull to prove it.
    I sat strapped in the copter’s chair, looking out the open door to the side, my hair blowing as we lifted off. Cody was stabilizing quickly in the back seat, much to Abraham’s amazement. I knew Prof had given the man a large portion of his healing power. From what I knew of Epic regeneration abilities, that would be able to heal Cody from practically anything, so long as he was still breathing when the power was transferred.
    We soared up into the air before a
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