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Psy & Changelings 10 - Kiss of Snow

Psy & Changelings 10 - Kiss of Snow

Titel: Psy & Changelings 10 - Kiss of Snow
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    PR9639.4.S566K57 2011
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For you, my readers

    In alphabetical order by first name
    Key: SD = SnowDancer wolves DR = DarkRiver leopards
    Aden Arrow, Telepath (Tp)
    Alexei SD Lieutenant
    Amara Aleine Psy member of DR, former Council scientist, twin of Ashaya, mentally unstable
    Andrew (Drew) Kincaid SD Soldier, mated to Indigo, brother of Riley and Brenna
    Anthony Kyriakus Psy Councilor, father of Faith
    Ashaya Aleine Psy member of DR, former Council scientist, mated to Dorian, twin of Amara
    Ava SD, mother of Ben, friend of Lara
    Barker DR Soldier
    Ben SD pup, son of Ava
    Brenna Kincaid SD, tech, mated to Judd, sister of Andrew and Riley
    Clay Bennett DR Sentinel, mated to Talin
    Cooper SD Lieutenant
    Council ( or Psy Council) The ruling Council of the Psy race
    Elias SD Senior Soldier, mated to Yuki, father of Sakura
    Evangeline (Evie) Riviere SD, sister of Indigo
    Faith NightStar Psy member of DR, cardinal foreseer (F-Psy), mated to Vaughn, daughter of Anthony
    Ghost Psy rebel
    Hawke SD Alpha
    Henry Scott Psy Councilor, husband of Shoshanna
    Indigo Riviere SD Lieutenant, mated to Andrew, daughter of Abel and Tarah, sister of Evangeline
    Jem ( real name: Garnet) SD Lieutenant
    Judd Lauren Psy member of SD, Lieutenant, mated to Brenna, uncle of Sienna, Toby, and Marlee
    Kaleb Krychek Psy Councilor
    Kenji SD Lieutenant
    Kieran Human member of SD, Soldier
    Kit DR Novice Soldier, brother of Rina
    Lara SD Healer
    Lucas Hunter DR Alpha, mated to Sascha
    Lucy SD, nurse, assistant to Lara
    Maria SD Novice Soldier
    Marlee Lauren Psy member of SD, daughter of Walker, cousin of Sienna and Toby
    Matthias SD Lieutenant
    Max Shannon Human, Nikita’s security chief, married to Sophia
    Mercy Smith DR Sentinel, mated to Riley
    Ming LeBon Psy Councilor
    Nathan (Nate) Ryder DR Senior Sentinel, mated to Tamsyn, father of Roman and Julian
    Nikita Duncan Psy Councilor, mother of Sascha
    Riaz SD Lieutenant
    Riley Kincaid SD Lieutenant, mated to Mercy, brother of Andrew and Brenna
    Rina DR Soldier, sister of Kit
    Riordan SD
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