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Praying for Sleep

Praying for Sleep

Titel: Praying for Sleep
Autoren: Jeffery Deaver
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Praise for Jeffery Deaver . . .
    “The master of ticking time-bomb suspense.”
    — People
    “The Lincoln Rhyme series is simply outstanding.”
    — San Jose Mercury News
    “[Lincoln Rhyme is] among the most brilliant and vulnerable of crime fiction’s heroes.”
    — New York Post
    “Deaver’s thriller . . . would challenge even the most enthusiastic roller-coaster rider.”
    — The Cleveland Plain Dealer
    “[Deaver is] the most clever plotter on the planet.”
    — Publishers Weekly
    “Deaver is the master of the plot twist, and readers will only drive themselves crazy trying to outguess him.”
    — Booklist
    “Jeffery Deaver is hot.”
    — The Palm Beach Post
    . . . . and His Novels
    The Bone Collector
    “Deaver gives new meaning to the phrase ‘chilled to the bone.’ Stunning . . . fascinating . . . a page-turner.”
    — People
    “The technology in Jeffery Deaver’s . . . The Bone Collector is so dazzling it makes your eyes water.”
    — The New York Times Book Review
    “Exciting and fast-paced.”
    —Peter Straub
    “Stylish, scary, and superb.”
    —Tami Hoag
    “A top-notch thriller. . . . Rhyme is a great character . . . and Sachs a great partner. Chilling.”
    — San Francisco Chronicle
    “The headlong narrative . . . never lets up, and there is plenty of genuine forensic knowledge in evidence. There are dramatic switcheroos up to the very last page, and a climactic battle to the death.”
    — Publishers Weekly
    “Deaver marries forensic work that would do Patricia Cornwell proud to a turbocharged plot that puts Benzedrine to shame.”
    — Booklist
    “Lightning-paced . . . a breakneck thrill-ride. Craftily blends cutting-edge forensics, turn-of-the-century Manhattan mayhem, pursuers becoming pursued.”
    — The Wall Street Journal
    A Maiden’s Grave
    “A screaming hit.”
    — The New York Times Book Review
    “Compelling suspense . . . a chilling web of madness and violence . . . an all-night page-turner.”
    — San Francisco Chronicle
    “Heartbreakingly real characters . . . multiple-whammy twists . . . [a] spectacular finish. Deaver brilliantly conveys the tensions and deceit of hostage negotiations.”
    — Publishers Weekly
    “Starts with a bang, and the tension never lets up. A top-notch thriller with an unexpected kicker at the end.”
    — Library Journal

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    First Signet Printing, December 1994
    Copyright © Jeffery Deaver, 1994
    All rights reserved
    eISBN : 978-1-101-09776-2

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