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Poisoned Prose (A Books by the Bay Mystery)

Poisoned Prose (A Books by the Bay Mystery)

Titel: Poisoned Prose (A Books by the Bay Mystery)
Autoren: Ellery Adams
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the awesome part?”
    “I am.” Suzy’s optimism was contagious. Ella Mae could feel it singing through her blood, more beautiful and sweet than any of the tunes she’d heard today.
    “Because the author was from Havenwood, his family might have a copy of his book. I bet the print run was quite small and since the subject matter was obscure, the title’s virtually disappeared off the face of the earth. Still, I like to think that at least one copy would have been kept by his descendants.”
    “Let’s hope so.” Ella Mae touched the burn scar on her palm. It was shaped like a four-leaf clover and she often rubbed the smooth, puckered skin when she was anxious. She’d gotten the burn several months ago when a piping-hot glass pie dish had slipped from a pot holder and made contact with her skin. According to legend, the mark indicated that she might be the Clover Queen, a woman born of two magical parents who would one day unite the descendants of Morgan le Fay and Guinevere and forever break the curse placed upon their kind by the warlock, Myrddin.
    Suzy shot a quick, fascinated glance at the burn before meeting Ella Mae’s gaze. “The only drawback is that you don’t exactly get along with his people.”
    “Let me guess,” Ella Mae said miserably. “He’s a Gaynor.”
    Suzy nodded. “And I know exactly when to broach the subject of the book with your old pal, Loralyn.”
    Saying nothing, Ella Mae only raised her brows.
    “I’ve been invited to a party at their place tonight,” Suzy continued airily. “Guess who’s going to be my plus one?”
    Ella Mae groaned.
    “That’s the spirit! Now why don’t you go home, take a long, hot bath, and put on your nicest dress? We can have a cocktail before we head over to . . . what’s the name of their estate?”
    “Rolling View,” Ella Mae said. “Listen, Suzy. I know that you’re on good terms with the Gaynors and really, I’m happy about that. The feud between our families is just that. A feud between our families. But they won’t be pleased when I show up tonight. I haven’t been to their house since Loralyn’s seventh birthday party.”
    “What happened at that party?”
    Smiling, Ella Mae said, “I hit Loralyn with a Wiffle ball bat.”
    Suzy’s jaw dropped. “You went Babe Ruth on the birthday girl?”
    “I was aiming for the piñata, I swear, but I was blindfolded and Loralyn’s friends had spun me around so many times that I didn’t know which way was up, so I just stumbled forward and swung away.” Ella Mae smiled wickedly. “You should have heard the
the bat made when it connected with Loralyn’s cheek. I hightailed it out of there without even bothering to pick up my loot bag.”
    Suzy started laughing. She threw back her head and let the laughter bubble out of her. She couldn’t seem to stop. Before long, Ella Mae was laughing too.
    Reba entered the kitchen a moment later and glanced at the two friends. “I don’t know why the two of you are hootin’ and hollerin’ like hyenas on crack, but I came back to say that I’ve started kickin’ folks out. It’s time to close and I’ve made enough cash to enjoy myself at the bowling alley tonight.” She gave her apron pocket a satisfied pat. “All thanks to your special pie, Ella Mae.”
    “And Mr. Crump?” Ella Mae asked. “Is he still feeling good?”
    Reba snorted. “I haven’t seen a happier man in ages. Well, other than the ones who wake up next to me, of course. Mr. Crump’s been invited to play Bingo tonight and Bunco next Monday. And if he wasn’t a churchgoer before, he’s gonna become one real fast. That organist is sweet on him. Cal Evans wants to go ice fishin’ with him. That man’s calendar is fillin’ up.” Reba studied Ella Mae. “What about yours? You have any special plans for tonight?”
    “Yes,” Ella Mae said. “I’m going to fortify myself with a few shots of whiskey, pack my Colt in an evening bag, and crash the Gaynors’ party.”
    “That’s my girl,” Reba said, beaming.

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