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Naked Hero - The Journey Away

Naked Hero - The Journey Away

Titel: Naked Hero - The Journey Away
Autoren: J. K. Brighton
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awareness that spread like a splash, the noise abated to an even chillier silence as eyes in the vicinity turned and stared. Hardly a surprise given the visual impact Joey was making, but in this instance it wasn’t him that was grabbing the attention.
    “I go tell Mr. Collins you have arrived,” said Joey as the guests in the room managed to find their tongues and the hubbub resumed to a different tune.
    “If you must,” answered Lewis with an ironic chortle. “But I would imagine he’s already guessed.”
    “Then perhaps I get you something to drink, or to eat maybe?” quizzed Joey, keen to be of service in a multitude of ways.
    “No thanks. I’ll help myself if that’s alright.”
    “Of course,” answered Joey with another cheesy smile to mask his further disappointment. “Enjoy the evening, Mr. Macleod. And if there’s anything you need... anything... then please...” He left it at that. The look of irritation on Lewis’s face made it clear that further pressing would not be welcome. Perhaps when the event was nearing a close he might try his hand again, but for the time being it was best to back off.
    Leaving Joey at the door, Lewis stepped forward with a mounting sense of unease. Given all that had happened over the past couple of days, the last thing he needed was some kaleidoscopic lad coming on to him - and it had happened within seconds, which hardly bode well. An hour, he resolved. No more than an hour then excuses would be made. A bit of mingling then the dreaded speech – after that he would definitely make a speedy exit. But before facing these ordeals there was something Lewis seriously needed – a stiffener to calm his angst.
    There were guys wandering around with what looked like glasses of Champagne, but was more likely to be some type of Australian sparkler. He was partial to a drop of fizz, but Lewis wanted something stronger, and with eagle-eyes plus a dose of intuition he spotted the bar at one end of the room. He battled his way there past the smiling faces and the jovial greetings that were heartily made. Nods were given in return along with throwaway comments: he was glad to be here too; it was a pleasure to attend – words that were as fake as Joey’s diamond earring, but glittered just as brightly. It took all of five minutes, but he eventually won through. There was a spot in the corner that was mercifully quiet, and optimistically Lewis claimed it, hoping that the guests would show some common sense and give him a few minutes of privacy for a change.
    “Vodka and tonic please, mate,” he said to the barman as a stool was drawn up and parked on. “Better make it a large one,” he quickly added, feeling the need to throw caution to the wind.
    “Sure, Mr. Macleod. It’ll be right up,” the man answered with a friendly sort of expression that actually looked real.
    Lewis watched the barman as he turned to fix the drink, taking the opportunity to admire his fine rear – a habit he could never quite break. Then with a shake of his head where warning bells were ringing, he swivelled round to take in the reception properly for the first time.
    ‘Should have brought my shades!’ was the immediate reaction. It was a flamboyant affair and no mistake. Joey wasn’t the only one who had made a bit of an effort – a large number of the guests were done up to the nines, giving the impression that Mardi Gras had arrived in Sydney a month early. The men outnumber the women by about three to one, with an age range that was wide but majored in the centre – the thirties and forties being the norm. As a matter of course, Lewis checked out the talent, the warning bells still ringing but being obstinately ignored. A few of the younger guests were certainly of interest to him - fit looking men who on a different occasion might have warranted some serious attention. But it was the hired help who really caught Lewis’s eye: six guys in total, including Joey, all similarly dressed in white trunks and tennis shoes, yet radically different in their physical appearance; each and every one an incredible male specimen. The costumes alone made them stand out in the crowd despite some serious competition, but it was their gym perfected bodies that the skimpy outfits displayed that really made the impact.
    Discreetly examining the eye candy from his corner vantage point, it suddenly struck Lewis that one of these men looked vaguely familiar. He was the tallest of the group, six foot four
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