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Lover Beware

Lover Beware

Titel: Lover Beware
Autoren: Christine Feehan , Katherine Sutcliffe , Fiona Brand , Eileen Wilks
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    All her life she’d had issues about just who was and wasn’t considered human, and here she was, more or less proposing to a werewolf. “Rule, you know that we sometimes call Grandmother ‘Tiger Lady’?”
    He smiled. “I can handle being related to your grandmother if you can.”
    “That’s good. Because she’s not a witch, like you thought.”
    “Lily, I felt her power.”
    “I know, but…” She settled herself more comfortably and began, “You see, lycanthropy isn’t just a guy thing.”

About the Authors
    Christine Feehan is the New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of several romances, including the “Dark” Carpathian novels. She lives in California. Visit her website at www.christinefeehan.com.
    Katherine Sutcliffe is a multi–award-winning national and international bestselling author of historical romance and contemporary suspense novels. A native Texan, Katherine lives near Dallas. Visit her website at www.katherinesutcliffe.net.
    Fiona Brand is a national bestselling author of contemporary romances. She lives in New Zealand. Visit her website at www.intimatemomentsauthors.com/authorpages/fionabrand.htm.
    Eileen Wilks is a USA Today bestselling author of contemporary romances who lives in Midland, Texas. Visit her website at www.eileenwilks.com.
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