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Lover Beware

Lover Beware

Titel: Lover Beware
Autoren: Christine Feehan , Katherine Sutcliffe , Fiona Brand , Eileen Wilks
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    A Berkley Book / published by arrangement with the authors
    Berkley edition / July 2003
    Copyright © 2003 by The Berkley Publishing Group.
    “Magic in the Wind” copyright © 2003 by Christine Feehan.
    “Hot August Moon” copyright © 2003 by Katherine Sutcliffe.
    “After Midnight” copyright © 2003 by Fiona Brand.
    “Only Human” copyright © 2003 by Eileen Wilks.
    Excerpt from Shadow Game copyright © 2003 by Christine Feehan.
    Cover design by Erika Fusari.
    Interior text design by Julie Rogers.
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    ISBN: 978-1-1012-0437-5
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Magic in the Wind

For my sisters…. Thank you for the magic and the love that has always been in my life.

Chapter 1
    “SARAH’S BACK. SARAH’S come home.” The whisper was overly loud and tinged with something close to fear. Or respect. Damon Wilder couldn’t decide which. He’d been hearing the same small-town gossip for several hours and it was always said in the same hushed tones. He hated to admit to curiosity and he wasn’t about to stoop to asking, not after he had made such a point of insisting on absolute privacy since he arrived last month.
    As he walked down the quaint narrow sidewalk made of wood, the wind seemed to whisper, “Sarah’s back.” He heard it as he passed the gas station and burly Jeff Dockins waved to him. He heard it as he lingered in the small bakery. Sarah. The name shouldn’t carry mystery, but it did.
    He had no idea who Sarah was, but she commanded such interest and awe from the townspeople he found himself totally intrigued. He knew from experience the people in the sleepy little coastal town were not easily impressed. No amount of money, fame, or title earned one deference. Everyone was treated the same, from the poorest to the richest, and there seemed to be no prejudice against religion or any other preferences. It was why he had chosen the town. A man could be anybody here and no one cared.
    All day he had heard the whispers. He’d never once caught a glimpse of the mysterious Sarah. But he’d heard she’d once climbed the sheer cliffs above the sea to rescue a dog. An impossible task. He’d seen those crumbling cliffs and no one could climb them. He found himself smiling at the idea of anyone attempting such an impossible feat, and few things amused him or intrigued him.
    The only grocery store was in the
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