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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1
Autoren: Various
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sexy man beneath him.
    "Come. Now. Jeff." Greg grunted out from behind clenched teeth.
    Jeff yelled out as his cock erupted from the friction of being trapped between them. Greg groaned, grinding his hips into Jeff, and Greg's orgasm filled the thin latex.
    Greg reached up, untying the rope holding Jeff's wrists together as he eased out of Jeff's abused hole, rubbing and kissing the reddened skin of his wrists before flopping down beside him.
    Jeff rolled over, resting his head against Greg's chest. Greg's heart beat, strong and fiercely. A hand rested on Greg's stomach as he pulled Jeff closer. Greg whispered, "I love you." But he knew Jeff hadn't heard him. Jeff was snoring softly. Apparently, their activities had worn the man out.
    An urgent need to use the bathroom woke Jeff up. The faint tendrils of dawn were slowly making their way across the sky as he rolled onto his back. He winced, feeling a wicked soreness in his ass and muscles. His eyes flew open as he remembered the night's activities, and he hurriedly pushed himself into a sitting position. To his relief, Greg was still there. He could hear him breathing now that he was more than awake.
    Jeff eased out of the bed. He didn't want to wake Greg up yet. He wasn't ready for what might happen. He hurried into the en-suite bathroom and relieved himself before splashing cold water on his face. Jeff glanced at himself in the mirror then took a double take. "Oh, Dios mio."
    His chest was covered in bite marks. Greg had discovered how sensitive Jeff's nipples were, and they looked bruised and tortured. He ran a hand across his stomach as those evil butterflies started swarming again. His ass clenched as his nerves threatened to spin out of control causing him to wince again.
    This time, the wince brought back all of the pleasurable memories of the night before. Jeff sighed. He'd definitely gotten what he wanted and more. Now, he needed to figure out a way to keep it. To keep Greg.
    So lost in thought, he jumped, hitting his knees against the vanity, when strong arms circled his waist.
    "Stop thinking so hard."
    Jeff met Greg's gaze in the mirror. "I'm…"
    Greg's hand covered his mouth. "Yes, you are. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not going to flip out and say this shouldn't have happened. And, I'm not letting you go. You're mine, soccer boy."
    Later, much later, Jeff was fast asleep again with his wrists bound together in front of him. Greg smiled and reached out a hand to pull the covers over Jeff's dark, naked skin. Greg shook his head as he walked out of the bedroom and down the hall.
    The night and morning had been filled with revelations. Jeff had been with Greg every step of the way, sexually and emotionally. He leaned against the counter and sighed. For the first time, in a long time, he was calm, at peace.
    He laughed at himself as he opened the refrigerator and peered inside. Thankfully, Jeff had all the makings for the perfect breakfast. Greg sprinted back to the bedroom, pulled on his jeans, and kissed Jeff's temple before heading back to the kitchen.
    He'd just pulled the eggs, cheese, and vegetables out when there was a knock on the door. Greg wiped his hands on a dishtowel hanging from hook. The knock sounded again.
    "Coming." He said as loud as he dared, hoping whoever was outside would hear him. He didn't want Jeff to wake up until he was ready to surprise him with breakfast.
    Greg opened the door and met the startled eyes of Raiden Yeatts-Tanaka, the star forward for the soccer team Jeff coached.
    "Um, morning, Coach Williams. Is Coach Rodriguez home?" A flush stained Raiden's cheeks, and Greg grinned.
    "He's a little tied up at the moment." Greg waited, holding back the broad smile that wanted out.
    Raiden blinked, and his mouth formed an 'O.' He shoved an envelope against Greg's chest. "Could you make sure he gets this? Thanks." Raiden tripped down the steps to the sidewalk. "Tell Coach I'll see him tomorrow. 'Kay. Bye."
    Greg doubled over in laughter as he shut the door. The sound of feet shuffling on the hardwood floor had him looking up. Laughter gave way to the zing of lust that danced over his body when he saw Jeff standing there wearing nothing but rope.
    "Who was that?" Jeff's sleep-roughened voice added to the powerful feelings swarming over Greg.
    "Raiden. He left something for you."
    Jeff nodded and turned back toward the bedroom. "Okay. I'm going back to bed."
    Passion fueled Greg's response. In a few quick steps, he had
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