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Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1

Titel: Love is Always Write Anthology Volume 1
Autoren: Various
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into the kitchen.
    "Beer." Greg shook his head. He was only here to discuss the prom chaperoning before he had to rush off for this damned blind date. They were a great team. He glanced over his shoulder, watching Jeff's jeans pull taut against his ass as he bent over. Greg's cock did a little happy dance behind the zipper of his pants. He shifted, trying to get comfortable. This meeting was going to be interesting.
    Jeff had timed his shower perfectly. He'd gotten home about twenty minutes before Greg was supposed to come by. He knew he'd done his job well when he took in the dark eyes and hungry look on Greg's face as he opened the door.
    Jeff knew all about the blind date. It was probably a good thing he'd taken matters into his own hands and found someone to take Greg's place. It was now or never. He wasn't about to let another opportunity to push their relationship beyond colleagues pass him by. Jeff was either going to get the sexy lacrosse coach today or die trying. He'd begun to plan out his seduction after the Valentine's Dance where he and Greg had been chaperones.
    He pulled two Negra Modelo bottles out of the fridge, opened them, and walked back to the table. He saw Greg wiggling in his seat and smiled. Apparently, Greg had seen something he liked. Jeff was always impressed when Greg dressed up. Greg's shoulder length dark hair gleamed, but it was the way the polo shirt hugged broad shoulders and defined chest that really got his motor going.
    "So, prom."
    "Yeah." Greg tipped his bottle and took a swig. He narrowed his eyes at Jeff. "How much do you know about prom?"
    Jeff shrugged. "I know the kids get all dressed up, go out to dinner, and dance the night away. We didn't really have prom where I went to school in Madrid."
    "At least you know more than the German teacher. She is one clueless woman. I can't believe she volunteered to chaperone." Greg smiled. Jeff loved Greg's smile. It wasn't falsely bright and effervescent. Instead, it was warm and comfortable like an old sweater. "Some schools also have after parties where the kids are able to stay out all night without getting into trouble. But our school doesn't, which makes it easier on us. At least we don't have to stay with the clean-up crew."
    They sat there in silence for a few minutes when Jeff noticed Greg grimacing as he moved his shoulders. "You okay?" Jeff wanted to get his hands on Greg's broad shoulders.
    "I was working out with Quinn earlier. That boy packs quite a punch."
    Jeff tilted his head. "Take your shirt off." He stood up and walked around the table.
    Greg stiffened. "What?"
    "Take your shirt off. I'm going to massage your shoulders. You don't want to be stiff all night, do you?" Jeff said, with false innocence.
    Greg felt his cock strain against his zipper at Jeff's words. Yes, he wanted to be stiff all night, and buried in Jeff's tight ass. Instead, he pulled his long-sleeved, black polo over his head. How was he going to make it through the rest of the night thinking about how Jeff had touched him?
    He looked at his watch. "I don't have much time. I'm supposed to be at Pancho's at seven."
    Jeff's hands were warm when they touched his skin. He squeezed the muscle, immediately finding the knot.
    Greg groaned. At least he could claim it was Jeff kneading that particular knot and not his body's surge into overdrive when Jeff touched him. The man had a career in massage therapy if he ever wanted to give up coaching soccer and teaching.
    Jeff's laugh jerked Greg out of his thoughts. "I spent a summer learning massage after I retired from playing professional soccer."
    Greg picked up his beer, draining it before speaking again. "I can't believe I said that out loud."
    "Want another beer?"
    Greg nodded. He needed to leave. But what he really wanted was to jump up, grab Jeff, and shove him against the wall. He wanted to kiss the man until he whimpered. Greg took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and dropped his head forward.
    He heard the bottle clink when Jeff put it on the table. Greg opened his eyes to find Jeff kneeling in front of him. Greg's dick jumped again like an electrical current had zinged his nerves.
    "I'll stop if you want me to." Jeff spoke softly as if talking to a skittish colt.
    Greg shook his head. "No. It's… it's fine." God, he could only hope it would be fine.
    Jeff stood and walked back behind him. Those warm hands were back and waves of arousal crashed over Greg's skin. He picked up his beer and downed
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