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Life and Death are Wearing Me Out

Life and Death are Wearing Me Out

Titel: Life and Death are Wearing Me Out
Autoren: Mo Yan
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turned it to ashes under a flame, and put some of it in his milk and sprinkled the rest over the injury. While this was not a cure, it worked as an emergency treatment when needed. And so this child’s life was tied inextricably to the hair of my friend’s woman. As long as the hair held out, the boy would live; when it was gone, he would die. In this case, the heavens took pity, for the more hair she pulled out, the more hair grew in. So we needn’t worry that the boy will die young.
    He differed from other children right from birth. Small in body, he had a remarkably big head, in which near total recall and a extraordinary gift for language existed. Although his grandparents could not help thinking about his unusual entrance into the world, after talking it over, they decided he deserved to be given the family name Lan. And since he’d been born as the clock rang in the new millennium, they called him Qiansui, or “Thousand-Year.” On the day of his fifth birthday, he summoned my friend, his grandfather, spread his arms like a storyteller, and embarked upon the narration of a long tale:
    “My story begins on January 1, 1950. ...”
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