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Ivy and Bean

Ivy and Bean

Titel: Ivy and Bean
Autoren: Annie Barrows
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him, she sat on him and rubbed plums into his hair. Rose the Yard Duty had been really mad. She told Leo and Bean that they had to work it out, or she would kick them all off the field.
    So Bean and Leo worked it out. The Gymnastics Club was supposed to have all the grass near the play structure. The soccer kids were supposed to keep their balls from hitting the Gymnastics Club. Bean promised not to bring plums to school anymore. After that, the war was mostly over.
    But now Leo looked mad. “It’s not even near you!” he yelled. He was right. The ball was on the other side of the field, nearMacAdam, a weird kid who sat under the trees and ate dirt when he thought no one was looking.
    “Okay!” yelled Bean, feeling like a dork. She had only been trying to help Ivy.
    “Like I was saying, I can’t do a cartwheel at the moment,” said Ivy.
    “Why?” asked Zuzu with her hands on her hips.
    “Because,” Ivy said again. “We’ve got an emergency situation going on. Right over there.” She pointed.
    Emma, Zuzu, and Bean followed Ivy’s pointing finger across the playground. She was pointing directly to the girls’ bathroom. The one right outside their classroom.
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