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Titel: InSight
Autoren: Polly Iyer
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Escalade, a spray of gravel spitting from its tires.
    Not this time, bub, and good riddance to you.


    To my good friend and critique partner, Ellis Vidler , for her constant support, encouragement, and generosity. She’s forgotten more about writing than I’ll know in my lifetime. To Maggie Toussaint, a writing partner I’ve yet to meet, whose excellent critiques throughout this book kept me honest, to Linda Lovely, Lynda Fitzgerald, Linda Cambier , and Helen Turnage , whose critiques added so much to the final manuscript. To Barbara Plott , who accompanied me up the Saluda Grade to find the perfect location for the cabin in the story. To the owner of Hyman’s Seafood in Charleston, SC, who gave me permission to mention his wonderful restaurant. And to the South Carolina School for the Deaf and Blind, their track coach, Jack Todd, and the amazing blind computer experts who helped create a more realistic picture of my blind heroine. To my family who cheered me on, and to my friends who rooted for my success, my heartfelt appreciation. I hope I haven’t let you down.

    Thank you all.
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