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Titel: Hooked
Autoren: Polly Iyer
Vom Netzwerk:
They’re believin’ every word you say. Hell, even I believed you.”
    Diana scowled at her father. “Thanks for reminding me what a fake I am.”
    “Get over it. I don’t have to remind you ’bout the nice livin’ you’re makin’. Come on, up. Time to get on out there. Remember, third row from the back on the end. Young man, twenty-two, ju st graduated college.”
    “I remember. Lots of school loans, cheerleader girlfriend, Mustang. I remember.” She dragged herself off the chaise. “Where’s Blanche?”
    “Your mother’ll be here in time to go to the party. Now go on, scoot.”
    Diana took another sip of water, freshened her lipstick, and hustled back toward the stage. She hated when she was tired, cranky, and acting like a prima donna. She hoped that didn’t come across in her performance, or else she’d read about it in the morning papers. Besides, her neck still tingled and she didn’t understand why. A quick, chiropractic jerk of her head produced a satisfying crack, and she massaged the area. As she was about to pull back the curtain, Jason, her computer researcher, caught her arm.
    “How’d you know about the dog?”
    “Lucky guess. You know, farm, animals. Women get attached.”
    “This was a little closer than that. Border collie? No information I gave you.”
    “I’m a psychic, remember?” She winked and pointed to her head, as if that explained everything.
    “Yeah, well, when you veer from the script like that, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. Spooks me, Diana.”
    “Gotta go, Jase. That’s my cue.” She smiled, blew an air kiss, and sashayed onstage to the waiting crowd.


    To my good friend and critique partner, Ellis Vidler, for her constant support, encouragement, and generosity. She’s forgotten more about writing than I’ll know in my lifetime. To Maggie Toussaint, whose excellent critiques throughout this book kept me honest, and to Lynda Fitzgerald, whose critiques added so much to the final manuscript. To my family who cheered me on, and to my friends who rooted for my success, my heartfelt appreciation. I hope I haven’t let you down.

    Thank you all.
Vom Netzwerk:

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