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Honeymoon in Paris: A Novella

Honeymoon in Paris: A Novella

Titel: Honeymoon in Paris: A Novella
Autoren: Jojo Moyes
Vom Netzwerk:
when we were
    children. A mouse!’
    I wasn’t sure I knew the answer.
    And then, as we finally walked back into the
    house, as Hélène busied herself with the milk pan and Aurélien began to
    wash his poor, battered face, I stood before the portrait.
    That girl, the girl Édouard had
    married, looked back with an expression I no longer recognized. He had seen it in me
    long before anyone else did: it speaks of knowledge, that smile, of satisfaction gained
    and given. It speaks of pride. When his Parisian friends had found his love of me – a
    shop girl – inexplicable, he had just smiled because he could already see this in
    I never knew if he understood that it was
    only there because of him.
    I stood and gazed at her and, for a few
    seconds, I remembered how it had felt to be that girl, free of hunger, of fear, consumed
    only by idle thoughts of what private moments I might spend with Édouard. She
    reminded methat the world is capable of beauty, and that there were
    once things – art, joy, love – that filled my world, instead of fear and nettle soup and
    curfews. I saw him in my expression. And then I realized what I had just done. He had
    reminded me of my own strength, of how much I had left in me with which to fight.
    When you return, Édouard, I swear I
    will once again be the girl you painted.

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    First published 2012
    Copyright © Jojo Moyes, 2012
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    The moral right of the author has been asserted
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    ISBN: 978-1-405-91084-2
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