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Harlan's Race

Titel: Harlan's Race
Autoren: Patricia Nell Warren
Vom Netzwerk:
“Long-awaited sequel to The Front Runner . . . bittersweet and deeply nostalgic ... a damn good thriller with a nice sideline romance and some hot sex thrown in . . . offers a chilling review of the past 20 years of queer life in America. . .. The prose has a solid, butch leanness; the characters feel like old friends; the plot is smooth; the ending is explosive. . . a novel of quiet resonance ... a writer with a provocative tale to tell.”
    —Victoria A. Brownworth in The Advocate
    “One of 1995’s publishing events.”    —    BookWorld
    “May be one of the longest-awaited gay novels ever.”
    —    Robert Prager in Gay & Lesbian Times
    “In the field of gay publishing, where sales of a book . . . are considered a reasonable success if they reach 20,000 copies, The Front Runner has never been out of print since its publication in 1974 .. . Harlan’s Race hardcover sales are already topping 30,000.”
    —    Brian Caffall in Philadelphia Gay News
    “More thriller than romance. . . Warren reviews 20 years of gay life in America, touching on AIDS, lesbian motherhood and gay political power.”
    — Bob Nelson in New York Newsday
    “Tight, rather dark tale of longing, regret and missed opportunity, that ultimately merges with a theme of survival — a theme as important to the gay ’90s as the liberation theme of The Front Runner was to the ’70s.”
    — Robert Julian in Bay Area Reporter
    “A tale of vengeance, retribution and ultimately, healing and hope . . . holds the reader of any age or sexual orientation with engaging characters, lively narrative and lean
    prose .... The action is nonstop, the story multifaceted, the sex steamily realistic, and the resolution is explosive.” —Victoria A. Brownworth in Lambda Book Report
    “May bridge the gap that establishes Gay veterans as positive role models . . . succeeds in the following areas: inclusion of both Gay and Lesbian characters . . . issues of domestic violence . . . inclusion of Lesbian mothers . . . a Gay Vietnam veteran . . . issues of political activism . . . athletic Gay men .... Positive Gay feelings are expressed.” — Phil Adams in Service Academy Gay and
    Lesbian Alumni News
    “ The Front Runner is one of the best-selling Gay-themed books of all time. The narrative of Harlan’s Race picks up where The Front Runner leaves off.”
    — The Washington Blade
    “Compelling . . . with memorable scenes and characters.”
    — B’nai B’rith Life
    “Deeply engaging . . . same rich descriptive technique and flavor that made The Front Runner such a memorable and stirring read ... a story with resonance and soul.”
    — Pony Horton in Frontiers
    “The hot book of the summer.”    —     Edge Magazine
    “Patricia Nell Warren is a keen observer of the gay community. She tells it like it is.”
    — Post Intelligencer, Alexander Hamilton
    Veterans Services
    “The Front Runner was the first ‘gay’ book many of us read. Harlan’s Race is a worthy successor.”
    — Timothy Robson in Gay People’s Chronicle
    Harlan’s Race
    Wildcat Press
    Beverly Hills
    This novel is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, institutions, places and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events or locales is purely coincidental.
    Sale of this book without its cover is not authorized. If you purchased this book without its cover, be aware that it was reported to the publisher as “damaged or destroyed.”
    All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing. Inquiries should be addressed to: Wildcat Press, 8306 Wiltshire Blvd., Box 8306, Beverly Hills, CA 90211, 213/936-3666.
    Copyright © 1994 by Patricia Nell Warren Jacket design:
    Barbara Brown, Jay Fraley, Tyler St. Mark and Patricia Nell Warren
    Jacket art, photographs and half-tone illustrations:
    Jay Fraley
    Book design:
    Barbara Brown Desktop Publishing and Patricia Nell Warren Typesetting:
    Barbara Brown Desktop Publishing, La Crescenta, CA Printed by Banta Book Group, La Costa, CA.
    First printing: June 1996 10 98765432
    Library of Congress
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